
When will Lester Piggot have his OBE returned?

by  |  earlier

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Concerning certain lords of the realm and their acts of thievery and perjury I think that the least that this government can do is not only return his OBE but to totally recognise Lester as the greatest flat jockey by giving him a Knighthood which he so richly deserves.




  1. Yes, they did take it away from his when he went to prison for tax evasion.  I think we should start a campaign to get him knighted - they have the petitions on the 10 Downing Street website now, maybe we should start one.  I'd definitely sign it, along with one to have Henry Cecil knighted.

  2. sure...the least we can do for the

    "bill shoemaker" over the pond...saw

    him win the breeders was a treat

    to see a living legend win a world class race.

  3. I didn't realize he had lost it! Did they take it back when he went to jail over tax evasion?

    I agree he was one of the finest jockeys I have ever seen.

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