
When will MPs realise we put them there, we can take them back?

by  |  earlier

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so they MUST stop using our money for their own lifestyle




  1. They will only realize it if we vote against them, instead of sitting on our backsides, every time an election comes around, the reason they are currently lining their pockets, is because they know that this is the last chance for them....they are "out", at the next election, so they are getting what they can now !

    Every time Labour has got in, they run this country into the financial toilet, and increase the level of dissatisfaction, and strikes, when will the public ever learn,  we can not afford them...., or the public service empires, they build, at our expense, there are reasons they never had more than one term in office, in their history !!!,

    s*x and sleaze are conservative corrupter's, MONEY is the thing that corrupts socialists, it always has been, and always will, this time it is also power over us that has taken it's toll, we are less free, than we have ever been, and our police, through Sir Ian Blair, are government services, now,  not an independent police, not allied to any political party, as are our civil services, now politicized, not neutral, state control is all to these people, not, the best for the majority.... but the best for "us" the party.....

  2. It is happening because of the unwillingness of the common man not to get involve in politics. After casting vote we never take interest what they are up to. We should review their performance and what actually they are doing for us as they are there in social life for the betterment of public not for their own.

  3. Ha ha ha ha ! And when will the British EVER do something like that ???????

    Peopel over here dont have the balls.

  4. never,to them they are above the law

  5. About six months before a general election, at which point they'll promise you the earth if you put them back for another four years or so.

    This is how you can tell Labour know they're screwed. An election will be coming up reasonably soon. Yet they're still raising the cost of living by changing road tax rules, refusing to cut duty on fuel etc. They know they're going out. So they're going to make sure it's as hard as possible for the Conservatives (because let's face it, they're going to win) to get a real grip on the future running of the country.

  6. They realise it more and more !As the sight of a General Election looms nearer and nearer!And they have a vote loser called Gordon 'Heathcliffe' Brown!!

  7. when they finally come back down to planet earth would be my guess.

  8. you put them in for a term care fully worked out by the establishment in order that by the time you get! them out. they will have had ample  time to have legally embezzled enough money and property to keep them sweet for the rest of their lives. by voting for an MP, you are actually voting for nothing more than a particular brand of lying thieving b@stard that 'in your estimation' will do the least damage to your country. that's modern politics for you. you could change it....but being British you will just bend over for a further terms shafting.

  9. Take them back?...Go on then!

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