
When will Microsoft and intell invent human brain operating system with super fast CPU?

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When will Microsoft and intell invent human brain operating system with super fast CPU?




  1. 2009

  2. Someone else will invent it, and then Microsoft will produce the patent and steal the work, as they are doing with everyone else.

  3. Actually, they're already starting for people that are extremely disabled. It will be very expensive though. It's so advanced that a guy can put on an ultra expensive headband and move the mouse and type a few words. (Wait a decade or two) Oh yeah, it'll be expensive!

  4. Never!

    Yeap no matter how long and hard they try it will never be the same. There is no way to actually make the human brain this way. I am not saying that it couldn't be very close but it will never be the same. An Operating System (OS) has been programmed by tons of programmers to give it lots of features. These programmers would have to program into the software everything a person can do and learn. That can never be accomplished the same way that there is no end to the internet.

    However there is software that "learns". This software may be able to make a much closer acting human brain but there is still the limitations to what it can "learn" because of what it has been programmed to learn or understand.

  5. The same time Microsoft invents anything else - when someone else has already invented it, and they can turn around, feature cripple it, and add a proprietary file format to make it survive


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