
When will Obama come clean about his ties to terrorists?

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When will Obama come clean about his ties to terrorists?




  1. Never because he doesn't have any.

  2. It won't happen.  If you were in his shoes, would you?

  3. Dirt sticks for ever.

  4. He has none.

  5. He already did.

    He has no ties to terrorists.

  6. Will McCain.

    McCain actually does have ties to real terrorists. He voted for funding the contras, the military in El Salvador and Guatemala,  the terrorists who attacked the Soviet Union, now the Georgian attack on South Osetti.

    I mean you should be strong enough to say that McCain supported terrorists to attack the Soviet Union.

    I believe we had to support none of these groups. In each case, the terrorism failed, and then after the terrorists left and peace returned, the governments realized the futility of their ways.

  7. Obama is the best friend terrorists ever had.

  8. Obama? Ties to terrorists? This is the dumbest I am yet to hear and shows me how shallow minded people could be! Do you know what it means that you have such ties and you are running for the highest office in the US? No, Obama has no such ties!!

  9. When he actually has had ties to them.

  10. An interesting video to put on your NetFlix queue:

    Go ahead.  Watch the Preview.  It won't hurt you.

    It explains all about who Bill Ayres is, who Barack Obama took inspiration from at the start of his political career.  It is irrelevant how old Barack was at the time.  Does that mean some 30-year old who goes to visit with Charles Manson to "learn from him" isn't someone we should be concerned about, just because the 30-year-old "wasn't born when Manson led the psychos who committed those murders"?

    The Students for a Democratic Society were essentially ULTRA RICH WHITE KIDS who wanted to be a part of the Black Panther movement.  So they formed their own group.  And when the Black Pathers started committing violence but got beaten down by the "racist pigs", these rich white kids instead formed the Weather Underground, so that they could commit violence then run back and hide among the very rich white society that they were supposedly angry about.

    Watch the video.  It includes interviews with Bill Ayres.

    See with your own eyes who Barack sees as a hero.

    Personally, I couldn't believe that they were allowed to get away with what they did, and that Ayres and his wife Bernadine Dohrn remain proud that they killed people "for a cause".  They are murderers.  RICH WHITE KIDS who got away with murder.

    Bill Clinton pardoned them.

  11. That has to be one of the most ridiculous things i've ever heard...

  12. You know it's people like you that really make me mad, do you like spreading false rumors?

  13. He DOES have ties, (William Ayers) and i doubt he will admit it cause it is something he tries to keep hidden.

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