
When will Obama repeal NAFTA and stop giving away jobs to foreigners?

by Guest45513  |  earlier

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When will Obama repeal NAFTA and stop giving away jobs to foreigners?




  1. You've got to elect him first.

  2. Ask the Canadians. They got it from the top(Obama advisor).

  3. He never will. He lied about taking NAFTA away.

  4. He won't only Ron Paul will. I'm sorry but its true dig deep my friend its not a rabbit hole it goes all the way to the core you need to turn of the TV and just think and put the puzzle together by yourself.

  5. You're ignorant NAFTA does not give jobs to foreigners and Obama has no power to repeal it unless God forbid he is elected president.  NAFTA allows us to free trade supplies of goods to Canada and Mexico the industry jobs you are talking about that were lost were done primarily by illegal aliens anyway. If Obama is elected president be prepared for more jobs to move away as he will tax the sh** out of them and they will have no choice to but to move out of country or risk bankruptcy.

  6. Obama want YOU to learn to speak Spanish so we can have a national language!

  7. He won't.  He's already said that he's all for NAFTA.  Of course, this was after he said he was against NAFTA.

    Oh, and don't forget that YOUR CHILDREN MUST learn Spanish.  We must accommodate all those who refuse to adapt to the ways of America, including our common language.

    Concerning kittybyebye's comments.

    When the US Government, instead of causing farmers to lose their farms by importing a large amount of the food we eat from other countries when we are perfectly capable of growing our own, we WILL be able to do those jobs.   In other words, the US Government is undercutting our own farmers by going outside this country to buy "cheap" food.  What do you say about that?

  8. I think foreigners will stop taking jobs or getting jobs when Americans start to do their share or anti-up. If we had willing people to work the crops, plant, seed, harvest then we wouldn't have to rely on other countries for our produce and thereby risking even MORE salmonella outbreaks. That's why there's so many salmonella...other countries don't have the same standards as us USA does. That is what we're risking because we would rather ssave money, be cheap and have other countries do it. Japanese and Chinese are smart and have great qualities that even our oun American people recognize and therefore choose them for the jobs. Each country is good at something....and it's cheaper to produce there...and people are willing to do it at a smaller price. I doubt Americans who most are used to high living would be willing to work in the hot sun from dawn to dusk at minimum wage. I know I wouldn't!!! It's simple i've adapted to the American way of life...which is what everyone wants...don't change america you change to adapt to your new country and adapting here means asking for more money and having the freedom of choosing a better job. Foreigners won't ask for more money or wait for a better job...for them it's money...for us it's cheaper labor.

  9. no

    hes taking money from the lobbyist now\

    nafta will be just fine

  10. He never said he would. In fact both candidates have been pandering in the illegal Hispanic community. It is doubtful either candidate will demonstrate the backbone to end NAFTA.

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