
When will Obama supporters discover comparing the top of their ticket to the ?

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bottom of the Republican ticket.. is a losing situation? Palin and Obama probably have the same "weight" of experience. But the thing is Palin is on the bottom of the Republican ticket and Obama is at the top of the Democrat ticket.




  1. Exactly!!

    Obama supporters aren't all that bright!

  2. [Palin holds a Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism from the University of Idaho, where she also minored in political science.]

    [Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988 and at the end of his first year was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review based on his grades and a writing competition.[17] In his second year he was elected president of the Law Review, a full-time volunteer position functioning as editor-in-chief and supervising the law review's staff of 80 editors.[18] Obama's election in February 1990 as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review was widely reported and followed by several long, detailed profiles.[18] He graduated with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) magna *** laude from Harvard in 1991 and returned to Chicago where he had worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley & Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990]

    Do you really think that there is any comparison?

    The Republican ticket is on a crash and burn course and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.

    McCain has lost his mind.

  3. Not too smart of them, is it?

  4. Also, Obama has been know to associate with criminals, was a dope addict and appears to be not always rational in his thinking. On the other hand, Palin has not yet been accused of these character flaws.

  5. Point taken, but the fact is also that Palin COULD very well be on top - remember that McCain is 72 years, has had four bouts of cancer, and a family history of heart problems.

    If McCain should be unable to continue his presidency, Palin would be Commander-in-Chief - ALONE.

    At least Obama would have Biden to back him up.

  6. You need to ask this question many more time for libs to get it.

    The Messiah is going to end racism by snapping his fingers.

    The Messiah is going to have a group hug with all world leaders and then they will like us and there will be world peace at last!

    This is the best the libs got - how sad.......

  7. Last night on TV it was called to our attention that Obama has one hundred and forty days working in the Senate, what with time spent campaigning while Governor Palin has twelve or thirteen years of hands on experience.

  8. After insulting over 18,000,000 people with her "Glass Ceiling" comment, it is no wonder why she is at the "BOTTOM"

  9. You forget that the messiah gets to question anything he wants as long as he wants and without impunity.  

  10. They won't, if the nasty e-mails I'm getting are any indication.  LOL

  11. EXACTLY!!! But realistically, they can't compare their Messiah Obama to McCain since McCain has sooo much more experience and has better judgment and superior record and personal history. It's a shame and a bit hilarious.

  12. It's absurd to compare Obama's experience with that of a small town mayor who's been governor of a state that's smaller than 19 U.S. cities for less than 2 years.  For one thing, Palin has no experience with foreign policy issues.  It's as important for the VP candidate to be qualified for president as the presidential candidate.

    So, you can rationalize all you want; but, McCain made a cynical token selection of a very underqualified candidate.

    18 million voters thought Obama was qualified.  Palin was selected by only one person--who'd only met her twice.

  13. Yes you're right.

    But they are reacting in PANIC to the republican's superior ticket and out of desperation attacking the only thing they can find wrong with her, even if it makes obama look like an empty suit.

  14. Yes, and after all, as long as you've had the most XP points, you can be president. Even if your a crazed idiot, if you have more XP points your the better choice. Morals, Plans for the country, and the fact that the entire world respects you is nothing compared to XP points.  

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