
When will Puerto Rico become a state?

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Do you want Puerto Rico to become a state? Do Puerto Ricans want to become a state?

I just want these questions answered.





  1. nevr it will be like so weird american culture is nothin like carribean culture lool i hope not it will be really g*y

  2. It might not happen in my lifetime, that much I know. Not the way Puerto Rico has been acting up lately.

    Clearly there are enough people on the island that DON'T want it to be a state, that it's a definite impediment to that happening. Afterall, why would the U.S. try to make P.R. a state if people in P.R. don't want it to be. I mean, not only do they want to NOT be a state... they don't even want the military to be there. Yet they want to reap all the benefits! And yes, there are people in P.R. who want it to become a state, but it seems they're outnumbered. I don't need to tell you this, you can see most of the answers on here for yourself.

    By the way, the U.S. has every right to establish military bases on THEIR territory. Last I checked the Spanish lost the war in 1898, and P.R. was part of the spoils, as were Guam and the Phillipines. The Phillipines eventually became an independent country, but Puerto Rico became a commonwealth of the U.S. and Guam is still a territory, both trying to determine their political future. BTW California and other states were part of the spoils of winning war against Mexico. It's no different.

    Sometimes I can not believe the attitude of some people towards the U.S. considering that they saved P.R. from a fate like that of Cuba, and have continuously saved their asses. By the way I don't know if anyone has seen what's happening in Cuba, but it's not pretty.

    Do I myself think P.R. should become a state? No, but for different reasons than the ones being stated here. Often I think they are less and less deserving of that honor.

    *EDIT You should know these questions are better asked/answered in the YA Politics, not in Travel.

  3. Well,

    When the puertorrican people really know the things that came with the statehood, they choose yes.

    I live in PR and the truth is our politics is not making the best effort to teach our country. They only said what they really need we know, I think when the congress, who really have the last word about us, teach our nation about all this things my people choose for the statehood. For the friend who said that we don't pay federal tax you are wrong. In PR all company that earn more than $1 million per year, pay federal and local tax, by the way the largest American industries (Abbott Lab., Pfizer,Merck Sharp & Dome, etc.) in here are exonerated for paying local tax for several years (936 Law) right now after the re-study of that law between Congress and PR Goverment they decide that kind of company pay some local taxes but receive a incentive bonus (30-A Law).

    PR bring so many soldiers for your army, US put here all kind of naval bases without permition, all our products (in & out) need to touch US ports (air & sea) before we eater, weared or make any kind of negociation w other country (and for your knowlege, the US ports are the most expencive in the world). In here if you earn $10,000 + per year and you need to pay local taxes, in so many states with that income you don't pay a cent and the goverment give more back! So many US hospital, financial institutions, NASA, Disney World, US Education Department and many others company come here every year looking for our laboral force, OUR PROFETIONALS!

    So, really if we became state our life begins to be more easier.

  4. Puerto Ricans cant be a state, they are poeple

  5. When ...?

    * when we agree on that and manage to convince the Congress to agree on that too.

    Do I ...?

    * Yes, I do.

    Do puertorricans...?

    * well the numbers are somewhat tied right know.

    *** 42 to 45% wanting statehood

    *** 42 to 45% wanting to remain as we are, or a little bit better

    *** 3 to 5% wanting independence

    *** Whatever remaining % do not know what they want, and shift their support to one side or the other depending the circumtances.  Most of the time voting agaisnt the status formula defended by the party in power.

  6. I dont want and i dont like to become a state of United States. Take care!, bye bye!

  7. Nop....leave  it the  way  it  Is....

  8. to tell you the truth I dont really care about the political status of PR. i wouldn't mind if PR becomes a state or not, I just care about the important facts that are affecting our people, such as education, federal funds for a lot of programs that can help children, teens and elderly, a good health care system and more benefits for the employees. so many things that PR needs to become a more advanced and develop island, which is lacking of all mentioned above. i believe it needs to start by eliminating corruption internally and out of federal offices. If the status of PR affects all of this mentioned from worst to better, then i choose whatever status its willing to change PR for better.

  9. never.

  10. I do want P.R. to become a state, and about half of P.ricans in the island want the same. Unfortunately, I dont think we'll become a state anytime in my lifetime, since 50% of the populace wanting it is not enough, and it's not going to change anytime soon, or in the foreseeable future.

  11. never the ppl of Puerto Rico are happy being a commonwealth they dont want to become a state

  12. no. never. they don't want to. because that means they can't mooch off of america anymore and have to pay taxes just like eeryone else.

  13. I hope neveri live in PR and i don't want to be a state but neither independent but i just think is bad i mean we have a nother lenguage wich a 78% Puerto Ricans speak english but thers a 93% thatd don't and it's going to be hard for them and tho.. even in the books they don't use our flag cause they count us already as a sate!:(

  14. I hope that we become a state, and soon, which i believe will happen.  I respect opinions of other ( some are my best friends) but personally, i think it is the only remedy for the problems in PR today.  To let it become independent, would destroy it, and to leave it like it is, is like hiding the dirt under the rug and acting like its not there.

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