
When will Sarah's secret nude photos surface?

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When will Sarah's secret nude photos surface?




  1. Right after Michelle's are released. But who would want to look at those anyways? Not me.

  2. I've heard that the extreme left has their photo shop experts on the ball right now.  They're having a tough time blending the facial color with the rest of the body.  Surely, they'll have that solved within the next 12 hours or so.  No?


    Someone below me is using a link to the Daily KOS?  hahahahahahaha!   Puleeeeeeeeeeeze.

  3. Shut up whiny liberal. Go to your room and jerk off.

  4. there aren't any nude photos (that I know of) but there is a brewing controversy regarding her pregnancy. There's a rumor that she covered up her daughter's teen pregnancy and claimed the child as her own to save face.

    Even if this turns out to be untrue, it still begs a hard look at Palin's family values because her judgment regarding her baby's health and how she handled the pregnancy is suspect.

  5. that would be hot, i cant wait

  6. Soon.  There are a few good one on her out already. She is hot.

  7. when we were in grade school she showed me her woo woo....

  8. I've heard of "tasteless" Photoshops but have yet to see any.  

  9. hahahah probably within 3 weeks

  10. pretty soon

  11. GROW UP!!!

  12. Wimplib fantasyland. She's not Bill Clinton or John Edwards LOL

  13. No, she isn't Miley Cyrus.

  14. they already have:

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