
When will THC be out of my system?

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I smoked marijuana yesterday. It was honestly 2 stems and a seed or two. I haven't smoked in 7 months. I didn't even get high.

How can i get it out of my system by Saturday-Sunday?!




  1. 2 stems and a seed (or two) won't get you high, much less show up in a drug test. Seeds have no THC, and stems very little.  

  2. It will naturally be out. It's in for like three days at the most. You could always flush out your system to rush it but... whatever.

  3. There is hardly any THC in stems, and none at all in seeds, so if there is any THC in your system at all, it's probably a really small amount, and if you haven't smoked in 7 months before hand you should be fine. You could flush yourself to be sure though, like drink tons of water and sweat a lot (exercise) to get it out of your system (if it's in there at all)

  4. Seeds and stems have no THC in them (or very little), so it's no wonder you didn't get high. It takes about a month to get everything out of your system for people who don't smoke much, and you haven't smoked in 7 months...I'm sure it'll be out of your system by then, if it was even in your system at all.

    If you're worried, drink plenty of cranberry juice and water. You'll be fine.

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