
When will USA Basketball team be eliminated at 2008 Olympics?

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A.) Group stage


C.) ... sorry there is no C option, A&B are the highest they'll get




  1. The answers is never we (USA) are the best ever and are the best now no one can hang with Lebron Kobe Kidd Howard Anthony Wade etc. we are the best and in China we will prove it once more that we are the bestand the world needs to reconize it

  2. Their going to bring home gold idiot...

    You actually think there are teams that can compete with them?????

  3. I disagree, I actually think that they can bring the gold home.

  4. The USA Basketball team will be eliminated after they win the Gold Medal because there's no other team to beat until the next Olympic.

  5. THEY WILL WIN IT ALL. they've learned their lesson from Athens they won't be embarassed like that again.

  6. It'll be USA vs. Greece for Gold and Silver,

    Greece - Gold

    USA - Silver

    But if their in the same pool, Greece will Knock out everyone..

  7. dumb-***, you're not a patriot, are you?

    USA will bring the gold home with Kobe, King James, Deron and Carlos Boozer

  8. Actually all other countries suck at basketball.

    Spain is overrated. Gasol is soft. Navarro sucks and got cut from the NBA.

    Argentina is overrated. Ginobili is the most overrated player in the NBA. Ginobili will struggle since the NBA has started a no-flopping rule.

  9. they will be eliminated after they win the tournament

  10. i think theyll take the bronze. their way too good to not get past the group stage

  11. the real question is are you from the USA. How could u say USA will lose. They will win. And to Granny Curser LeBron passes. He averages 8 assists per game with a not so great team. He passes more than Kobe.

  12. i hate 2 admit it but i really feel as if both the men and women will lose the gold medal game.... i really dont think the US has fully realized that the rest of the world has caught up n is passing us.... we got 2 get it back some more

  13. USA has as amazing history of winning the Olympics. I hope this year will be no different. Go all the way.

  14. I believe they can win it all. But they will be challenged by a couple of teams.

  15. They're infinitely better than any other team, and this time they have a coach that understand team basketball. (Although, that really hurts to say, since I'm a Carolina fan)

    They'll win it all, I have no doubt.

  16. you know what B-i-tch go l**k you a-ssyou aked the stuipds quistion ever let me tell you bloddy why i hate engald

    (the usa is gonna win the gold)

  17. And the highest grade you ever finished was 8th. That said they will win this time. the guards and fowards are going to be unstoppable. the only problem may be the center position is slim. Dork

  18. they will get the gold (and never get eliminated)

  19. They will get past the group stage but after that when it becomes single elimination if they play either Spain, Argentina, Russia, Greece, or Lithuania they will lose to one of these teams.  They always seem to choke against teams like this who play excellent team basketball and who are not intimidated by Team USA.

  20. i say B. or maybe in the big final game. the USA basketball team is VERY good, but nothing compares to the greek one. i'm sorry folks, but we have you.

    and don't attack me, because right now i'm smiling, which means i didn't post this question to provoke the americans or anything. just my opinion. :D

  21. Actually I disagree I think that the USA basketball team will take home the gold this year. They have some great okayers and they can get it done. I mean they have Jason Kidd, Kobe Bryant, LeBron James, Chris Bosh, Dwight Howard, Deron Williams, Chris Paul, Dwayne Wade, Carmelo Anthony, Tayshaun Prince, Carlos Boozer, and their coaches are great also. They have Nate McMillian, Coach K, and Mike D'Antoni. So I think that they have a really good shot to take home the gold but I'm not sure that they have the team chemistry yet i mean they really work hard at pratice but if you watched Road to Redemption they looked like they were s******g around a lot. If that keeps up then I don't think they'll do as good. But in all of their photos on they all look so serious and hard-working. But we;ll just have to wait and see how things turn out.

  22. They couldnt be eliminated in the group stage. Only Spain is capable of beating them in their group ( unless Greece gets drawn there ) and four teams out of 6 teams gets to the quarterfinals.

    If Greece goes to the other group and somehow meets US in the Quarterfinals it would be a very interesting game.

  23. They are gonna win the gold medal.

    Go USA.

  24. I think they'll finally win it, just look at the roster, you get scared by just looking at the names, just kidding, they gotta bring they A game if they want an Olympic medal.

    And I disagree about being slim at the Center,  get real, you don't need NBA centers for European teams, Boozer and Bosh can play against every European center, China would be a little difficult coz of Yao, but Howard can handle him, so don't trip over the center issue, just hope for Kobe and LJ to have a good day.

  25. I agree with your selctions. the nba usa team isnt as good anymore like the old 1992 dream team which consisted with the greatstest players to ever play the game

  26. the USA are far too good as its there sport unlike Britain :(

  27. Whoa, I know Kobe the Cancer is on the team and all, but let's not get carried away, they will go farther than the quarterfinals.

  28. I would pick the imaginary letter D.

    Which is not losing at all :).

    Hahahah this question is funny!

  29. They will be eliminated if LeBrick doesn't pass the ball like he usually does.

  30. they won't....they have a good mix of young talent and role players...they wont have any ball hogs and will have good chemistry (sp) they also have stars who can controll (sp) the game like lebron if he needs to

  31. I'm sorry my friend, As much as I want to see some team upset the almighty USA squad, I don't think they will be eliminated in the group stage and even the quarterfinals. They could be eliminated in the Final Four -- they could. But I can see them winning the Gold in the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

    Nix ♦

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