
When will YOU people learn that I only talk w/ anger when I feel your are not hearing my words?

by  |  earlier

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You said it sweetie, I don't need to know more xx




  1. Your Q's and A's are private, so it's hard to be sure, but if people often misunderstand you it stands to reason that you are not communicating successfully. Therefore the fault could possible lie with you.

    But seeing as in your "About Me" you state that you "do not need to know any more", then I doubt very much you will be able to take that on board.

  2. oh, to be young and immature.  

  3. When you have these tantrums, you must also hold your breath, stamp your feet, jump up and down, roll on the floor and cry...

    Then maybe you'll feel better.

    I have more important things to do than to be jealous of someone who has issues.

  4. are we that important that you get angry because we do not listen to your words..

    are there not better things you could be putting your knowledge towards.?

  5. Perhaps phrase your words a little better and people will hear you.. No one likes talking to rude, angry people

  6. So now that you have had your little tantrum, say something inteligent! Already now count to 3 before you react!

  7. we all get irritated, but if we always lashed out... it would never be heard.

  8. When you learn to be civilized and cool headed.

  9. It´s the other way round, sweetheart: WE people don´t care to hear your words when you talk w/anger!

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