
When will a ethnic minority be in the royal family?

by Guest57312  |  earlier

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when will this happen if possible?




  1. there already full of Greeks and Germans

  2. When one of the members of the royal family marries one.

  3. Why should they be?

  4. Never and nor should they be. Its the royal family they are the royals not the foreign imports!

  5. i think there SHOULD be one. but like, honestly, do you think it ever gonna happen?

  6. When one of the Princes marry one!!

  7. Whenever a member of the Royal family decides to marry one, obviously.

  8. im trying to get in

  9. Never

  10. Well, the ethnics have got into every other strata of society and buggered it up, so I suppose it's just a matter  of time. If that happens we should all pack up and go somewhere else and leave the place to the riff-raff of the world, who come here to ruin our way of life.

  11. why!!! Doesn't German count

  12. If you mean the European Royal family which is where the British royal family come from OK. But tell me what you mean by ethnic minority. There will never be a Black or Indian Royal due to compatibility.  I imagine there are some non Royals conceived in the good old days of slavery and colonial powers. Only joking!!!  No is my answer due to the class system we all are part of.

  13. They wont allow this to happen (in this country anyway) there would be secret service that would make sure this doesn't happen (in this century at least!) look what happened to Diana when she went outside her race she suddenly disappeared & she wasen't even in the royal family anymore but still had ties.

  14. They want their bloodline 'pure' English I presume.

  15. Has your family 'ethnic minorities' in it? Mine doesn't. That isn't prejudice, it's simply who you meet in life. I don't live in a region which attracts immigrants. Given the pay here, more young people are leaving than coming in, so it's no wonder we aren't that diverse. But that's not us keeping anyone out, it's the economy.

    The answer to your question is when a member of the royal family falls in love with someone from a different culture. It's pretty simple. You seem to think it's a conspiracy. It isn't, it's simply that young royals tend to only meet other young royals and aristocrats. Now that William has been to university he has met someone who isn't royal or noble. Kate will probably become a princess by marriage and eventually Queen. That's a huge step from the time when his grandmother wed. She had to marry someone of suitable background (meaning, who understood his role in a royal household), and fortunately, she, and he, found love. That's rare for anyone, whether they're royal or not.

  16. Actually, Prince Prince Joachim of Denmark married his ex-wife Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg (formly known as Princess Alexandra of Denmark). She was born in Hong Kong of Chinese, British, Polish and Austrian ancestry. Her facial feature obviously look euro-asian but I think this  is as close as the european monarch will get as in marrying another "ethnic minority."

  17. Read your history books the royal family come from all over Europe.

    As for the ethnic bit its only since the late 50s 60s that ethnic minority's have made the UK home

  18. German/Greek not ethnic enough for you?

  19. well, only if they are mega rich and their parents are like lords and high class members of the country, coz they dont marry average joes!

  20. never ever ever

    though i suppose the current queen is german and some kings have been french

    maybe if an ethnic minority invades

  21. OK - since the Greeks aren't enough for you...

    WHY should an ethnic minority be in the royal family?

    To appease the politically correct?

    Do you think you'll really see a mexican speaking spanish to the staff at Buckingham Palace?

  22. 12th of never

    U need 2 b an ignorrant self obsessed snotty nosed plum, oh and ur S**t needs to smell like roses then it a possibity to b a member

  23. last time something like that was going to happen someone ended up in a 'car crash'

  24. Which royal family are you talking about. There are many "ethnic minorities" represented in royal families . Do you mean in the English one ?

  25. if chelsey marries harry.she is south african isnt she?

  26. would have been had dianne not been murdered/whoops accident i meant to say.

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