
When will a vandalism( to my vehicle) go off my record for insurance purposes???

by  |  earlier

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About 2.5 years ago some kids used nylons and a hamburger wrapper in my gas tank to set my truck on fire. It was a brand new tahoe with dealer plates and it had to be deemed totaled due to damages. Now I am trying to change insurance and get quotes and even though I was not at fault and didn't even know these children it increases my premiums by about 600 every 6 months. Does anybody know when this will go off my record? I cant understand why I'm being held financially accountable for some delinquents behavior.




  1. okay, I just can't let this one go.  You really need to shop around.  Most major insurance companies do not increase rates for a comprehensive loss.  Now  if this is your 3rd one or more then yeah, maybe so.

    As  far as the prior comment go, insurance is there when you need it.  If you pay in $600 a month in premimum and have a lost where there is an injury and 50,000 is paid out, I say you made out pretty good.  Insurance companies are not "scammers".  Most insurance rates are high  not becuase of car reparis and medical bills, it's the attorneys cuase everybody is like sue  them or  for the insurance fraud as someohow people related insurance to the lottery.  Insurance is made to bring you back to the position you werre  more no less.  It is not to "payback" the money we paid out.  Statistically you're just at a higher risk.  A rate increase is the same whether we paid out 1000 or 100,000 with your better ins companies.

    As far as buying a vehilce from someone who doesn't even inform someomone of GAP insurance, shame on you!!!  I'm the lucky person to have to tell that insured that your beautiful 2008 Mustang that you put them into at 24% interest isn't quite the deal you told them it was and now not only are we not paying off the car but you owe $5000 for something that you don't even have anymore.  But I know, we're the scammers!!!!

    I bet you're  really glad you posted your question now aren't you???

    sorry i had to get this off my chest  as i'm tired of insurance companies being dragged through the mud.   there's always two sides the the story and you only here  the disgruntled ones.  

    I would  really, really encourage you to shop around for insurance.  Most  of the major insurance  companies you can do a  quote on line.  Hopefully this will help.

  2. it must be the state you're in i'm an adjuster for an ins co. in CA and the co. i work for does not raise your rates for any claim thats not your fault or any comprehensive claim which is what a fire claim would be if you are in california i suggest you shop around if not it might be a rule in the state you live in.  

  3. That loss should have been covered under your comprehensive coverage and comprehensive claims are normally not surcharged.  I would shop around for a different company and then contact your insurance commissioner and/or your office of consumer protection because I think you have been penalized for something you shouldn't have been penalized for.

  4. Fire those muchie kind of insurance co.I would contact a attorney and see if a law suite could be administered against them.

  5. Most people think car dealers are the biggest scam artists, and although we do have to make a profit, we aren't the biggest, insurance companies are by far and wide the biggest scammers in the auto industry.  Get some quotes from different companies maybe you will get lucky with one of them.  Otherwise just bend over and take it.

    EDIT: Sorry to go all chat room on your question, but I can't help it and I had a long day too.  If you are paying through the nose for insurance and then you have a claim and then you pay through the nose more for insurance, you didn't really get anywhere, the adjuster said themself that the insurance company is "making up for it" by charging more.  So what the heck are we paying for "insurance" for if when we use it we just end up paying it back over time?

    I'm not that uneducated, I know insurance is a tough business, I'm a car dealer for PS, I watch company after company go belly up in the service contract business.  I don't sell service contracts, I don't sell GAP, I don't even ask if you wanted Credit life and disability with a loan, if you don't ask I don't care.  Sorry for the above reason, and after watching numerous folks go through absolute h**l after filing injury claims for car accidents, work comp etc.  I stand by my original statement.  Insurance sucks, and it's a scam because in many cases you are forced into it.  I Can hardly wait for government sponsered health insurance, that will be a real mess.

  6. As an insurance adjuster the answers above really tick me off (ok, its been a really long day too lol)   Did you know that at my company  this year we actually spent 20% more on paying out for claims then we brought in as premium?  So for every 100 dollars people paid us for premium... we paid out 120 dollars. No profit whatsoever... and this isnt unusual. Thats why its very sad to see uneducated people say how horrible insurance is.. its simply not true.

    Your right- your vandalism was not your fault... but it cost your company alot.. way more then youd paid them in premiums.  Now they are unfortunately having to make up for that.. you are seen as more of a liability.

    Why dont you shop around?  You dont have to be with that company.... shop and compare!  You may be surprised.

    But again i just wanted to give my two cents... trust me.. insurance companies are making out like bandits.. they are struggling b/c insurance fraud is rampant and unfortunately all of our premiums are raising b/c of it (yes i pay insurance too- i wish i got a discount!)

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