
When will all of mankind scared?

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Ok..this may seem weird..but im just really scared.. and its been on my mind for a few weeks now..people say the earth will blow up...some say it will end in 2012..i wanna know the truth




  1. Yeah it will happen on January 23rd of 2008.

    God told me that the all sinners will burn in an

    eternal fiery abyss while the good-doers will relax in Paradise.

    If you're leaning towards the scientific aspect of things

    Newton said 2060.

  2. I can confidently say that you personally will die before humanity becomes extinct. you personally will not be here 100 years from now, but I am sure humanity will still be here.

  3. The reason some people say that the world will end on December 2012 is because the Mayan calendar ends there...But don't worry, we won't be alive to see our planet's destruction.

  4. Have you ever seen the film AI? It's excellent! In it society has all this great technology like robots that look exactly like humans, and cars that can fly and go under the sea and everything. However there are still a lot of problems because humans are selfish and their minds are a mess.

    I think right now things are kind of similar. A few people have loads and loads of money and billions of people have very little money. People are too selfish and it causes big problems. Every day billions of dollars are spent on weapons and weapons technology, when they should be spent helping people who are sick or starving.

    Will society fall apart? Maybe. Who knows? All we can do is try to change ourselves and become more considerate and less selfish. If everybody does this then we will survive and maybe even colonize other planets and that sort of stuff.

  5. Don't worry about it. People have been saying that the world is about to end for a long time about a lot of different things. All those things came and went and the disasters never happened. I think we'll be around for a few more centuries yet. :D

  6. The world was due to end in 1982 and 1984 and 1999 and in the year 2000.

    Guess what, it didn't happen.

    One thing is for sure; one day YOU will die. It maybe tomorrow or it may be in a hundred years from now. Whether this will happen in a mass destruction or individually, no-one can possibly know.

    Here is the important bit; You will only get one chance to live this life so live it to the full. Make the most of every opportunity  and don't worry about stuff that may or may not happen.

  7. If the world ends in 2012, I for one will be a little surprised.

    This is based on interpretation of the Mayan calender, which was split in to Ages. The current one is due to end in 2012, but it should be noted that in spite of numerous ends of previous Ages the world is still spinning.

    Their world might have been due to come to an end, I'd be willing to lay a tenner on it that nobody else's would.

    Of course, all the Maya are dead long ago, so I don't think they'll be around to see if they got it right or not.

  8. The great ascension has been predicted to be around 2012, which means all those who wish to live in love and light will be lifted to the new Earth being constructed now. It is likened to the heaven on Earth from the scriptures, whereas those whom are refusing to leave the darkness, will be like the burning  of chaff from the wheat and confined to their own lower heavens for as long as God decrees.

  9. The earth may one day be hit by an asteroid, Solar flaring might burn us up. millions of years from now the sun will increase it's heat and boil the outer layer of earth.

    Though perhaps humanity will reach out to distant worlds?. lets hope.

    There's no real point in worrying about it since it's probably going to happen and probably not in your life time.

    If you're on a plane while it's going down. There's no point worrying about the crash but rather relaxing cause at that! moment there's nothing you can do about it.

    I'm not saying give in(because perhaps in the future something can be done about it), but rather, let go.

  10. I don't know when the world will end but i get 2 points YEAH

  11. stop worrying about it.2012 it really soon. be logical and look for proof and indications. does it seem likely that the world will just blow up in 5 years. what proof is there that the world is going to blow up...if that were true...would governments be making long-term plans. would pple have babies, knowing in 5 or so years...the earth will blow up. take a moment to think.

  12. I've lived for many years and many times been told this was about to happen and it never did.  My grandson is afraid of it too, so we talk about it.  It's natural to be afraid of death because we don't understand it but don't let it spoil your life.  I wonder if you're a little depressed, do you have someone to talk to?  You'll probably live to a ripe old age and the world will keep on turning.

  13. Soon,I hope.

  14. oh yeah !! no one knows when the world will end , i think when a person dies ..thats the end ,coz he cant be here inthe world right ?

    so basically pipo want to come with all the freaky freaky stories of making us all feel that scared ,thinking that the end maybe tomorrow ...

    if really put this too much in mind ..its gonna eat you up , so why dont you just forget this end of the world series and start enjoying yourself  and ur life before you heat the End !!

    its freaky to think of the end of man kind...heeeeeeeee!!

  15. Well mankind has been expecting the worst for the last 5 or 6 thousand years, and we're still here, so stop worrying, can you imagine what it must have been like to live in London during the plague of the 1600's? then followed by the great fire, it must have seemed like the end of the world right there, then there was the two world wars that killed millions, the dropping of the atomic bomb, the holocaust, life is comparatively quiet these days.

    The 2012 thing is about the Mayan calendar, it stops in 2012, giving rise to the thought that the world will end then, there could be a lot of other explainations, like the civilisation that made it died out, which it did or they just thought that life would have died out by then, lets face it these long dead blokes doing advanced astronomy in the middle of the jungle are hardly likely to be worried about what we think about the date they decided to stop.

    On a more gloomy note, even if the world did blow up, which isnt likely, there is bugger all you can do about it, so stop wasting your life fretting and live it!

  16. get a grip!

  17. Hey, if you think the world is gonna end in 2012 don't dwell on it, try to live yurlife until theres nothing left to live so when that time coems if anyhting happens , which i highly doubt it will yu will be able to die a happy death.

  18. There's no way of knowing the exact date.

  19. you really want to know the truth? I'll email you

  20. Relax! We are not scheduled to die for another 4.5 months on a Tuesday!

  21. The end of the world comes for everyone on their final day on earth. That is as much as we know, except maybe that volcano which is threatening Yellowstone Park in America, it will certainly create another bottleneck when it blows..

  22. there is absolutely no definitive correct answer to that should not analyze should never dwell in past or future....only NOW....

    time-the concept itself, we created, think outside your boundaries, come on, just try

  23. You're right, it does seem weird. More to the point you've come to the right place for a straight answer.

  24. When global warming comes into full force, not all humans will die, but the civilization we know will not be sustainable. It is happening faster than the news outlets tell you.

  25. We 'll probably all have eaten ourselves to death by then .


  27. Let's say the Nonsense you've been hearing were TRUE- that all Mankind IS going to die in 2012... Ok... -So WHAT?!! What are You (or anyone) going to DO about it ??? -Sit around & waste the next 4 years of your life, wringing your hands & crying pitiously, "We're gonna die!- We're gonna die!- God help us, we're gonna die...!" ??! Is THAT what you think God wants us to DO with the gift of Life He all gave us??. The Only "Time" any of us have- is NOW...-and we all have to LIVE to see 2012 arrive, let alone see what happens THEN. So get out from under the bed- & STOP worrying about what MIGHT happen to you... -Because what IS happening- is that you're wasting precious Life -worrying about it...

  28. Don't get so worked up.

    2012 is when the Mayan Calendar ended, nothing more. For some reason people find it disturbing that it had and end.

  29. To have a healthy fear of death is ok. Unfortunutely, it will happen.

    Nostradarmous said in 1999, there will be a war that will go on for 20 years and destroy the world. Never trust the french, especially when it comes to war.

    Take every second to make your life happier than it is. It's hippy c**p, but it works.

    I'm scared of death too.

  30. The more one learns about their fears, the less mystifying and overwhelming those fears become. That being said, the 12-21-12 Doomsday theory is a heap of illogical, uneducated pseudo-babble. True, the Mayan long-count calendar ends on December 12, 2012, which is represented as on that calendar. This is the date of the Winter Solstice (shortest day of winter). The significance of that date merely indicates the first time in about 28,000 years where the earth and the sun come 360 degrees back into alignment with the galactic plane (at exactly 11:11 universal time). Technically, the Mayan calendar doesn't end on this date, it just starts over (like a clock).

    Unfortunately, humanity is more likely to end itself, than the world coming to an end. Until the dawn of nuclear weaponry, humankind had never once been confronted with even the slim possibility of complete self-destruction. Such wartime doctrines as M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction), have kept billions in the clutches of fear. In humanity's relative technological and scientific immaturity, the greatest challenge is (possibly) the feat of surviving ourselves.

    The total years of humanity's existence represent only 1% of Earth's lifetime, up to this point. With the majority of all the species on Earth being extinct, it seems more likely that the Earth will outlive humanity. As bleak and pessimistic as that may seem, it does give perspective to the undeniable need for more responsible actions made by our leaders, nations, and all people living on this miniscule lump of rock and metal floating helplessly around a single star in a neighborhood of trillions.

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