
When will all the worlds oil run out?will we have cars like fred flinstone?

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When will all the worlds oil run out?will we have cars like fred flinstone?




  1. I think they'll invent cars that run on air. YEAH!! woot

  2. Yes we will made out big hunks of rock and caluces on our feet....... oil will run out sometime I have never heard an exact date or year... My mom said when she was growing up people said it would have been used up in the mid 90's.

  3. No

  4. Oil will never run out n if it runs out there r many other sources for runnin engine like gas,water,carbon etc.By god grace we will never have cars like flinstones but cars run by elecricity like cars in minority report movie carsetc.

  5. we will not have cars like fred flinstone because there are cars out there that do run off of other things like vegtable oil and electric cars. although if we did not have those the only resort would be to getting on your 10 speed, lol. thankfuly we will not have to get to that extreme.

  6. at the rate were going, very soon. were killing the earth and destroying natural beauty such as in alaska etc just so we can drill to fuel our d**n hummers. if people cared and got fuel efficient cars, the time frame would grow but ive heard that were looking at the turn of the next century if not sooner

  7. I am a geologist but sometimes I am surprised at the general lack of knowledge about oil.  Actually, the formation of oil is not well understood.  Personally, I believe the abiogenic formation of oil fits the evidence best but that would put me in the minority.  In that theory, oil formed from a deep hot biosphere that feeds on methane that is outgased from deep within the earth through cracks.  The methane is from the original accretion of the earth.  It is interesting that on Titan all methane is assumed abiogenic, yet on the earth it is assumed to be biogenic.  In any event, we will not run out of oil for thousands of years.  In reality, we will never completely run out.  It might become difficult to find in a couple hundred years which will certainly drive up the price.  This will make other alternatives more attractive.

  8. nah, more like George Jetson

  9. LOL

    We run cars on corn alcohol -- we can grow all the corn we need to power cars.

  10. yes, so you better get some good shoes

  11. I'd love to have one like tht.

  12. Bicycles will become more popular. If we run out of oil soon, the world of shipping will hault. All I can say is that we better be doing something soon.

  13. The world's oil is self-sustaiining and will not run out.

  14. i don't want cars shaped like fred Flintstone. they don't have wheels

  15. Cute idea, but hard on the feet!  Maybe something like this would work better:

  16. That'll make headlines for sure. Flinstones cars ! Nah ! Man will discover something new to fuel those beauties.

  17. The world will NEVER run out of oil. It will just get prohibitively expensive, probably within the next 50 years. But not to worry. As long as the sun shines, we'll have alternate forms of energy with which to run our cars on.

    The FlintstoneMobile??? LOL. That's nothing but an overgrown skateboard. It's WAY too massive to be practical.

  18. Well U want believe but Mother has a automatic recycle plan for fossil fuels and it is the plants.

  19. It won't; you've been fed a myth as to where oil comes from.  Cars like Fred's already exist - they're called bicycles and I've seen them seat 4-6 people.

    And for the fools who think corn-alcohol (ethanol) is the answer, get a grip.  It'll drive up the price of corn, reduce the abundance of food crops, resulting in higher food and milk prices.  At the same time, the distribution network will be limited and the power provided by ethanol as measured in BTUs is far less than gas and diesel  resulting in higher operating costs per gallon.

  20. I heard it would be in the next hundred years...just think, as soon as Arabia runs out of oil, the terrorists won't have any money:D

  21. The answers are in the order asked:

    No one knows and anyone who says they do is either a fool or a charlatan.

    No, this is a stupid question.

  22. Contrary to popular propaganda, the world's oil will NOT run out; it is a renewable resource, but the pollution and harm to the environment the use of oil causes is more than enough reason to stop using it.  After the Big Changes occur, we will have access to FR*EE energy and our modes of transportation will be greatly changed.

  23. 30-40 years.. or less

    and yes - we will be forced to drive fred-flintstone cars.. the power of kinetic energy..

  24. Maybe, but probably not made out of stone. lol

  25. About 200 years, if you include heavy/sour oil, is the best estimate - - and that's if nothing is invented to take its place, which a capitalist economy always does.

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