
When will america invade iran?

by Guest59174  |  earlier

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When will america invade iran?




  1. Although it looks from here as though the government of Iran is courting an invasion, the US will not do it. Under our Constitution, the Senate has the power to declare war, not the President. 66 of 100 Senators will absolutely NOT vote for a war declaration this time. Once burned, twice cautious around fire.

  2. U.S can not affort to invade Iran.

    If u.s invade iran it will only make thing worst than iraq today and oil price will shot up to 6 dollar per gallon.

    Japan will be short of oil and supply and that could cause a drop in stock market and effect every where else.

    Plus israel will pay a dear price and other u.s interest around the world will be strike by iran operative

  3. It's always difficult to predict when anyone will do something fatally stupid, unless they have a history of doing so.

    It's not going to happen. Short of an actual declaration of war by Iran or a direct attack on American forces by Iranian military, Congress is not going to authorize military force in Iran.

  4. I think Israel will take care of Iran. With a hateful maniac that is the Iranian president somebody will have to do something soon.

    America will not do anything to Iran unless the Iranians do something stupid.

  5. Not all military action requires Congressional authorization, to respond to some of the postings.

    That said, no, we will not invade Iran, either from a logistical point of view (we simply do not have the capability right now), a political one (there is no political will in either party), or a strategic one (I don't think at this point, or any time in the near future, that anyone thinks it would accomplish anything worthwhile).

  6. Never, U.S.A has l;ost every war since they invaded Vietnam

  7. Do you mean obliterate Iran?  Man I hope not...I met the foxiest, nicest young lady's from Iran while in Dubai....they were as fine as frog's hair.

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