
When will america reprocess uranium fuel pellets?

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Europe reprocesses its spent uranium fuel and gets that much more energy from it. Security depends on how the fuel is handled.




  1. How would the mining companies make their money if the fuel was "recycled"?    Breeder reactors can make 50 times the amount of energy as the reactors we now use with the same amount of fuel.    They were outlawed in the late 1970's- early 80's because they make plutonium (which contains much more energy than uranium, and can be used in a civilian reactor).   The military at least should be reprocessing the spent fuel and using it on their ships/subs.   If it isn't safe enough there, no nuke plants of any kind should be allowed.

  2. I thought it was already being done In Canada they have been doing it there was a big hoopla in the news a few years ago when they were transporting some of the spent rods to be reprocessed and communities were in a uproar that the fuel rods were travelling through there towns

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