
When will be start to see LED lights in our homes? Why aren't they popular or affordable already?

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When will be start to see LED lights in our homes? Why aren't they popular or affordable already?




  1. I would just hang on and see if they come up with a better LED, they are much too directional now and cast most of their light to a very small area as a result they stack many LED's  in a bad attempt to make up for what one light bulb can do.  After all your putting money into something that theoretically lasts for years, and then two years later they come up with something really good???

  2. LEDs are just really hard to make. They are semiconductors, like transistors only a little simpler. LED stands for "Light Emitting Diode". A diode is a one junction semiconductor. So are solar cells by the way. A transistor is a triode, or a 2 junction semiconductor.

  3. They are available in DIY stores now. They are not very bright so they are not popular at the moment.  They run on low voltage and most peoples' houses run on 240 volts ac therefore there is a transformer and other electronics needed to convert. This is what makes it expensive to install although each individual LED light is very cheap. As the demand increases, the whole system will become cheaper so you can add more LEDs to increase brightness.

    For anybody living off the grid, these are ideal because you would not have to transform down as they run off direct current.

  4. They have them now for under Cabinet lighting. The latest, that I haven't posted on my site yet, only use 1 to 2.1 watts. I'm the first in the USA to get these. 2 Years they will be available as regular bulbs but they will be expensive. My LED Strips Run $40-$60 Each but last 25000 hours+.

  5. My grandmother has a night light one on her stairs.   It's green and puts out only enough light to see by if there is no other light around.

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