
When will be the next amnesty for illegal immigrants?

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When will be the next amnesty for illegal immigrants?




  1. There should be NONE.  Illegal immigration not only prevents some Americans for obtaining jobs and increases our crime rate but it also means that our population is increasing faster than normal and is draining our already limited natural resources.

  2. Hopefully never!

    When people enter our country illegally, they take away from the rights of every U.S. citizen. They take our jobs, benefits, taxes and land. They affect our economy in a very adverse way while bringing a life of crime with them.

    I get excited every time I read about a factory raid where hundreds of illegals are removed and legal citizens get the job they have so desparately needed to feed their families, get medical benefits and keep a roof over their heads.

  3. Amnesty every twenty years isnt working.

  4. WHen iceskates are needed down in Hades.

  5. Never

  6. McCain and Obama are both talking about border security and an "amnesty program.  If you don't see one in place by 2010 or 2011 you will probably see them all being rounded up.  Remember all, they are from every single country in the world, not just Canada and Mexico!!!

  7. Not everyone is opposed to Amnesty. I would think with this next leadership we will see it soon again.  

  8. Hopefully there will not be one.  We have tried it before and see the results.

  9. We'll see what happens after the election, as both sides are talking about SOME form of immigration reform/ amnesty. Personally, I liked the original bill where all illegal immigrants would be forced to pay $5000 in fines. If there really are 12 million undocumented (and they say possibly as much as 20 million), then we would be looking at a minimum of $60,000,000,000 (60 BILLION, folks) poured into our economy.

    Now what's so wrong with that?  

  10. When they start giving murders free houses and rapists free cars! Same thing isn't it? Rewarding the criminal for his criminal act? Congress will not allow amnesty to happen. They need votes and 78% or more of the voters want criminal invaders removed from the country!

  11. amnesty would cost the US 2.6 trillion US$ in federal funding. That does not include state and local funding. Short term cost would decrease because there will be a delay on using benefits. Long term cost will increase especially in retirement benefits.

    47% are adult males-illegal

    35% adult females-illegal

    16% children-illegal

    there are 3.1 million anchor babies

    56% of illegals come from Mexico

    keep letting your state reps know this is not what you want

    visit and sign their petitions.

    Amnesty is not the answer. The millions of people of who broke the law to enter our country illegally should not be rewarded.

  12. i'm guessing never.  remember how the last attempt turned out?

    Mr. McCain claims to have "heard the voice of the people".....don't know how Mr. Obama feels about it.

  13. God I hope never. If anything, all the illegals that are here now need the big boot out of here. Go mooch, rob, steal, rape, murder, and "gang bang" In your own country.

  14. Hopefully never!

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