
When will china,india and usa going to do something about global warming?

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When will china,india and usa going to do something about global warming?




  1. probaly when its too late.

  2. There is nothing anyone can do about climate change. It happens naturally. It's been happening since the beginning of time and before humans. You can't slow it down or speed it up.

  3. these three big countries are the worlds top pollution makers i guess. they wont do anything until people are already dying. remember SARS that spread throughout asia? world health organization just made their steps when they already learned that this virus is spreading quickly. if it is not treated early the human may be exterminated.. so just like SARS, every country not just china, india and united states must make a move...

  4. THey are.  China is controlling their population, adn India is trying to.   US is doing some small stuff.   THe US is the worse offender.   They are the second largest producer of Carbon emmission per capita.   They try to point at CHina, but China should be allowed to produce more pollution than the AMericans because they have a population  4 times the size of the US.   China has always had a population 1/4 to 1/5 pf the world and should be allowed to produce that much pollution.    I am more concern of nations with uncontrolled population growth and there desire to live the American lifestyle.

  5. When the other developed countries and change in leadership start doing something. Also we as Americans have to contact our state representatives and tell them that we want to enact a mandatory emission limit. Industry interest has been placed above the interest of public citizens for to long. I also have to say that in the case of China, I find it so interesting that a culture that prides itself on having vital respect for the Earth, really isn't doing much to protect it.

  6. When eco-nuts get up extra early and ride public buses to work with illegal aliens are criminals?

  7. Right after you get a clue that global warming is a hoax.

    Here you are, your heart all a flutter because of the supposed bulid up of heat. And how do you know ? because they told you ? Many of the global warming web sites out there are using sloppy science and weather models that can be interpretted any way they want. You can look around you and see that it isn't an issue. Temperature has platuea'd since 1998. In 2007 world wide we dropped 1/2 a degree. Record high's are 10 years old meanwhile we are getting lows. In the 70's they were touting a mini ice-age...guess they were wrong about that too. Now they are spouting off some stupidity about the warming cycle being delayed by maybe 10 years. How dim witted are you ?

    Arsenic is a polutant. Co2 is not. Carcinagenics are polutants, Co2 is not. China is building coal plants, and why are coal plants bad ? .....heard of sulphur emissions ? which result in sulphuric acid production in the got it...acid rain. That's polution.

    The USA is one of if not the leader in "green" technologies that we share with the world. We've been cleaning up our industrialized world for decades, and for some johnny come lately's to make up some global warming hoax and say we aren't doing enough are idiots that are offensive to those of us that have been doing our part and conserving energy. You can't save the planet when the planet isn't in jeapardy. Not only is there no facts about global warming even happening , but no one has even been able to prove its a problem. Meanwhile the spokes holes are lying and telling you that the polar bears are dying off, when the fact is their population has more than doubled to 25000 since the 60's. If there was a problem, then why do they need to lie to the public about it ?

    Meanwhlie, Al Gore and company is getting rich.

  8. They won't.

    I could  explain it but it boils down to really one thing: greed.

    They will do somthing about global warming... when humans are extinct by 2040.

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