
When will conservatives realize that "just say no" doesn't work?

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Too bad absintence isn't applied 100% of the time...




  1. Does it work?  It depends on what your goal is.  If you hate babies enough to kill them, then no abstinence doesn't "work".

  2. When will liberals figure out that it works 100% every time it is applied.  I think you need some remedial work....

    Maybe if we taught it, it would.  I doubt it, but lets face it - your liberal, condom on a cucumber is not working either.

  3. I couldn't agree with you more, abstinence doesn't work. And that's easily proven by the teen pregnancy rate. I don't understand why we're not educating our teens about birth control, for pregnancy as well as STDs. Just like I can't understand people who refuse to prevent their daughters from possibly having cervical cancer because it might give them the message that s*x before marriage is ok. I mean really, if it could prevent your daughter from dying of cancer, don't you just do it!

    And I'm a republican.

  4. according to European administrators neither does s*x education

    since you wont read the link

    s*x education initiatives are failing to control the spiralling teenage pregnancy crisis, ministers have admitted for the first time.

    Every year, almost 50,000 girls under 18 fall pregnant, leading critics to claim that government-led efforts to encourage safer s*x are backfiring. The number who conceive is at its highest level since a multi-million-pound teenage pregnancy crackdown almost a decade ago.

    As a result, Britain tops the league table of teenage mothers in western Europe, despite also having a record number of school-age abortions.

    This comes despite the Government investing more than £150 million in an attempt to stem the tide of conceptions - and pledging to cut teenage pregnancy rates by half by the end of this decade.

    Ministers admit - in a document quietly released before the Christmas parliamentary recess - that the 2010 target to cut teenage pregnancies is doomed to failure.

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