
When will freo dockers ACTUALLY win a premiership (or be in one)?

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When will freo dockers ACTUALLY win a premiership (or be in one)?




  1. They do have the tools. I do not think they are as bad as they looked in parts last year. Harvey has learnt from the best and should extract as much from the group as he can. I'm not saying they are going to win next year, but they should be finals contenders the next few years with 2010 as their best chance.

  2. I think it would be after my death

  3. I'm not holding my breath waiting

  4. WHO????  lol

  5. Lions finished 15th in '98 and lost in the Perliminary finals to the eventual premiers in '99!

    Anything can happen. Freo may be the quite achievers in 2008 because the focus in Perth right now is the Eagles. Freo must take advantage of this and creap up!

  6. They have talent, just cant put it all together

  7. I could say "they certainly DO have the 'tools'" ... but oops did I say that out loud.

    It doesn't strike me as a club with a winning culture.  They don't have the talent pool at the moment and for a club to even consider allowing a senior player to commute on weekends from several hours away (Bell), indicates a second grade district club mentality.

    I have a feeling Freo might even fold unless there is a dramatic culture change.  Obviously there's money there because they don't seem to pull a crowd and they keep going but are they sustainable?  We'll see.

    Short answer - not in the next five years.

  8. With a new Coach and new team structure and game plan, it will need time to gel at the club.

    They have the players to get there, but it will still take time.

    Give the new Coaching staff a chance to put new game plans and styles in place. I think you'll see a much better Dfence with Harvey as head coach, and stricter penalties as well.

    Give them a few years ............. but they will be up there, look at the young clubs who started developing teams a few years back, now they are playing finals. Give it a chance it will happen.

  9. With Mark Harvey in charge they will win one in the next 5yrs and Bell is a disciplined footballer it takes 45min's to get to Perth.

    One thing I am curious about does every Geelong player live there or do they commute from Melbourne.

  10. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, let me see. They won't win one in my life time, but they surely can be in one during my life time. Seriously, within the next 5 to 8yrs they will come close to be in a Grand Final. But not win it.

  11. Never say never is my motto... I think they will have potential within the next decade.

    Everyone thought the same of Brisbane Lions and they went on to win 3 premierships!!

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