
When will gas rationing go into effect?

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With increaseing gas prices will we see a reduction of law enforcement patrols and an increase in crime because of it.




  1. If the people in congress had the guts to impose rationing the price of oil could really drop. The problem is Congress lacks any motivation to do something that may improve things. Senator Rein thinks oil and coal make you sick but He forgets that lack of those things may have people freezing this winter.  The housing crisis will really kick in when people learn they are unable to keep their pipes from freezing because of the high cost of heating oil and coal. Diverting energy in the short term by implementing rationing could save this economy.

  2. Your taxes will go up before law enforcement will cut services in most cases.  You will see an increase in crime, it is already a reality in many communities..

  3. when we have Shortages

    supply is fine.. so no rationing needed.

    gas may be expensive (get used to it) but we don't have to wait in line to get it.

  4. Like others have said, I doubt that it will happen soon (unless we lose all of our gas lines), because we under 1/2 of our fuel domestically or close to us (contrary to popular belief) and it might be more, I can never remember the exact numbers.

    In any case, they would have rationed it by now if crime was an issue. I had almost a full tank of gas stolen from my car and I live in a very safe place. Rationing would have nothing to do with the crime, just with the supply.

    Think about it, you have crime because gas prices are too high. You ration it out, how will that stop people from stealing? You might steal more because you need more then what the government is rationing out.

  5. Why, there is no shortage and the oil companies can get all the oil they need! They just want rights to drill in our natural wildlife preserves and where most of our fish come from. They even have a greater incentive because the US Supreme Court isn't going to let you sue them when they decimate your food supply!

    Have you ever heard the term "being held hostage"?

    And it isn't 'Supply and Demand"! There is a supply, and even if there were not it doesn't work overnight!

    Also are the speculators who buy thin air, which isn't even a stock, and make a lot of money for themselves while taking you to the cleaners!

  6. It will go into effect soon after Obama is inaugurated should he be elected.

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