
When will global population stop growing? Why demography declines in rich countries and grows in Third-World?

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When will global population stop growing? Why demography declines in rich countries and grows in Third-World?




  1. it could be because of economical reasons, it is expensive to raise a child in rich countries - child care costs, schooling fees, etc

    culture plays an important part as well - some cultures have a strong history of having big families, some believed that their children can help them with work on the farm, etc.

    third world countries also tend to have less access to contraceptives to prevent them from falling pregnant.

  2. It probably wont stop, or if it does you and i will be long gone. Thats why the rich stay rich and poor stay poor.

    "rich plan ahead for four generations, the poor plan for saturday night" <-this is a quote from someone else in a text book i was reading lastnight.

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