
When will global warming resume?

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First it was "lol, enjoy it while it lasts deniers, it's just one colder than normal January."

Then it was February, then March, then a particularly cool April, then a cool May, and now we're into June and it's still sweater weather here in New England.

It's been several months now - can they honestly dismiss this as "weather not climate?"




  1. actually... global warming is not resuming...

    its still going on.. it's been going on since the 1600.

    The weather is unpredictable because of global warming.

    Here in US, the weather was cold one day, sunny and hot the next, and raining the next day.  

    It's awfully unpredictable because we have almost caused global warming to spin out of control.

  2. Global warming is continuing daily, cooler weather doesn't mean there is global cooling and this is about climate change.

    Weather is the interaction of water vapor, air pressure and temperature. If you change or add to the formula, you change weather.

    Go to the following link to see the source of heat that is man made and it is generating heat everyday. Once you generate that thermal energy, it can't be destroyed and will contribute to lower air pressure changing weather.

  3. Because man made global is a scam.  There is an entire industry based around this latest climate scare (there is one every 30 years or so, either warming or cooling). The global warming religion likes to use the National Academy of Science report as their bible, but this is bias and funded by special interest groups. Look carefully at the facts. For example, it states that temperatures have risen 1.4 degrees since the beginning of the 20th century. This is true. But you're RIGHT, temps have NOT increased in the last 10 years. You'll notice that, in the 2008 report, none of the graphs contain data past 2000... sketchy, huh? It's because this defies the rising temp theory.

    Even though the polar bears have now been put on the endangered species list, it is because environmentalists petitioned to change the rules. The population has actually tripled in the last 30 years. It's the reason that the governor of Alaska is now suing the federal government.

    Furthermore, the ice shelfs are the among the highest seen in 30 years. Carbon dioxide follows temperature fluctuation (not the other way around) and may actually be a good thing.  Mars is 95% Carbon Dioxide and there are no warming issues perceived there... the average temp is -81 degrees Farenheit. Guess how much of Earth's atmosphere is?  .04%!The list goes on and on for evidence to the contrary of man made global warming, but there is no irrefutable evidence that it does exist.

    And, believe it or not, George Bush is more eco friendly than Al Gore:

    If it was such a dire thing, wouldn't Gore be more concerned about his carbon footprint?

    No matter what environmentalists say (or how they say it), there is no evidence that man is causing global warming. They will use sleight of hand to try and get you, but don't be a sucker. For example, notice how NO commercials say anything about "global warming" anymore? The use the words "climate change" now. That's because environmentalists realize that time is becoming limited on this scare, but they can use the words "climate change" and keep us afraid that we're going to die, whether it be from warming, cooling, etc.

    A link that'll get some of you (who sound like you've done so much personal research on the subect) started on your education (not funded by any special interest groups):

    For your own good, the good of the nation, and yes, the planet, you should be VERY skeptical. Look carefully at the facts and the language. Environmentalists are not always keeping the green of nature in mind. There is a lot of money to be made in this hugely expanding industry.

    It doesn't even matter if you believe in it or not. Without conclusive evidence, public policy (our taxes) should not be made to stop a hypothetical problem. We do not know what the future will bring; we can only adapt as necessary as time tells its story.

    Case and point:  A hundred years ago, scientists were doing calculations, trying to figure out ways to solve the massive horse manure problems we would face as the population grew. Policies were being pushed to spend large amounts of money to try and build cities that could take care of these problems.  Then came Ford.  Good thing we waited to see what would happen.

    This situation is no different. I don't believe in man made GW, but I'm cool with it if you do (no pun intended). Just don't hop on that bandwagon that's trying to make our country alter its entire way of life based on refutable facts.  That's the ONLY thing that deniers are getting pissed off about.  Run all the charities you want, but don't force my wallet open.

    Even if you are someone who will never believe that global warming doesn't exist, think about this... it will cost 29 trillion dollars to fight this threat of sketchy (and special interest funded) "science" along with ruin our economy. Know how much it will take to feed the entire human population for the next 100 yrs? 7 trillion.

    Still think we should be making public policies and spend all that money? Then do one thing for me before you call your local congressman: Name one thing that the government hasn't screwed up.

    And feel free to collect the half a million dollar reward with any "proof" you find:

  4. deus said:

    "Yes, January was anomalously cold, but an equal but opposite trend occured subsequently. Temperatures are back where they used to be."

    According to UAH, globally, May was colder than January. Hmmm

    And to everyone one else, global warming has stopped for the moment--SSTs haven't warmed for at least 4 years. hmmm again.

  5. "Then it was February, then March, then a particularly cool April, then a cool May, and now we're into June and it's still sweater weather here in New England."

    Lol, I'm not surprised you didn't post a source:

    Yes, January was anomalously cold, but an equal but opposite trend occured subsequently. Temperatures are back where they used to be.

    So no, it hasn't been several months; it WAS one month.

    And global warming never stopped:

    check the five year averages...

    ...unless, like other naive skeptics, you're basing that postulation off '98 as a reference point, which is amateur to the ultimate degree. You don't base temperature anomalies off comparisons to one year for the same reason you don't do it to one day. You look at the big picture.

    edit: global cooling in the 70's just because of an article in Newsweek and a few other media outlets, with a couple (not a consensus, mind you) scientists behind it and some, at best, sketchy evidence behind them? Nice try, but no cigar.

  6. Climate - The average of weather over at least a 30-year period.

    Several months does not mean much.

  7. Do you ever bother to check your facts before making these kinds of claims?  You really come of looking bad when you make fun off other people for making false claims and you don't even have your facts right.

    "it's just one colder than normal January."


    "Then it was February"


    "then March"

    Whoops.  That's where you lost touch with reality.

    According to NASA GISS, the average global temperature in March was 14.6°C. That's a full 0.34°C warmer than February, and warmer than 5 of the past 7 Marches. It's also as warm as March 2007.  2007 being the third warmest year on record.

    April was slightly cooler than March.  It was a pretty average temperature month for this past decade at 0.41°C.  May data hasn't come out yet.;...

    So maybe next time before mocking other people's claims, you'll fact check your own.  Probably not.  I would love it if you prove me wrong.

    For the record, even if your facts were right...exactly what would 4 cool months prove?  Answer - diddly squat.

  8. lol dana, its funny how you always use GISS. While GISS showed march as a high value, it was an outlier. March in the far more accurate satellite RSS, was lower 0.079 - lower than any month since 2000 before 2008 started. April was a similar value: 0.08. UAH was 0.089 in march - still a low value for the decade and may fell below even february for Aril with 0.015. May was lower than that even, at -0.18, which is the lowest month in the sequence since April 1997! And it was the lowest may since 1992.

    You can quote GISS to make your points as much as you like, but if you use an up to date graph for any of the others, yes including HADCru,  the trend is flat or down since 1998.

    The Hadley centre admit there has been no warming, and before they claimed it would continue in 2009, but as the time approached, they realized it wasn't happening and now their saying 2015, so 17 years with no warming at all. It just makes me doubt if global warming will ever resume.

  9. Oh they'll try to claim that's just in New England, but it's not just New England, its the entire upper half of the Northern Hemisphere. Oh and guess what? This also includes the Arctic ocean. Hmmm do you think its actually melting yet this year? I don't. Oh and we are now only fifteen days from the official start of Summer and I still haven't had to turn on my air conditioning here in Minnesota.

    Dana - I've invited you to live in the upper half of the Northern Hemisphere for a few years, but no you're nice and comfy living in Southern California and wouldn't dream of leaving. Shoot I heard that it had snowed in Montana this week due to the cloudy stormy weather we had this week. This is more than anyones own back yard. This is the entire upper half of the Northern Hemisphere we are talking about. If you believe this five going on six months of colder then average temperatures won't effect your trusted charts, you are sadly mistaken.

    Oh and if you have a chance dig me up a report of how Antarctica fared during thier 2008 Summer season, since everytime I search the internet for one I can't find one. It's now only fourteen days to the official start of Summer for the Northern Hemisphere and Winter in the Southern Hemisphere. And this morning was down right chilly outside.

  10. Only time will tell...

  11. You might want to check out this link. It has ALL the myths about global warming.

  12. It's CLIMATE change.  CLIMATE CLIMATE.  Don't come here with weather.  It's about climate and that's a very different thing.

  13. Well it can't resume because it hasn't started. No matter how much Earth worshipers wish it would.

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