
When will god be tired of testing ppl..... :: ( ??

by Guest62056  |  earlier

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when u find its untoleratable ....

when u find its enough ....

when u find there is never end of problems ...

n GOD still doesnt listen to u and puts more n more ......

wat u gonna do ?




  1. Probably never as it is inevitable.

    God is Great - God gives us problems as well as solutions, in your problems are the real solutions.

  2. In the struggle twixt good and evil there stands a third. They both struggle for his favor. He is man. I give to neither and turn my back and walk away.

  3. i think the sweetness of happiness is only that pure when we know what sadness actually is...

    life takes a lot of test its just we have to believe in the Almighty and do our job...definetly in the future we will get fruits for it...

    so its just do your work loyally and be positive (+)...and leave the rest on your destiny...

    hope this helps...

    $$** LIVE LIFE KING SIZE **$$

  4. How God is able to perform two jobs at a a Programmer and as a Tester...?!!

    He must have taking lot of pain in testing all of us too...

  5. You have to understand that God is all knowing and does not cater to human limitations.  What is needed is always provided by the omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence of the Supreme.  God never grows tired of being God.  The so-called "test" are more so opportunities or available options to choose what has not yet been choosen

  6. God does not

    will never

    test people. He does not put you or anyone IN trials.

    James 1: 13 says that when under trial let no one say i am being tried by God. for with evil things God canot be tried, nor does he try anyone.

    Sometimes trials bring out the best in people. Regardless, its not Gods plan for suffering to go on forever. Read Psalm 37:9-11.

  7. when everything is over

  8. Until the last human being alive on earth.

  9. Joy is always on the other side of every test. How much joy can you take?

  10. Never....

    He is not as lazy as we are....



  11. Thats just Life but at some point we'll get happiness & we can only cherish & feel it when we know what sadness is.

  12. Hello there!  This can be a somewhat loaded question if one does not know some details of what's going on so I will give you a kind of broad answer :-)

    First, I want you to know that I am answering this based on my belief that I believe that Yahweh is the One and only True God.  Second, the Scripture in James 1:13 does NOT say that God will not test us; it says that He will not TEMPT us and that part is true.  There are tests that everyone goes through.  However, you have to remember some key things. First and foremost, the Bible (which includes the Torah AND the Brit Chadasha or 'New Testament') was written in Hebrew so it helps to understand the original meaning of a text or word.  The word "test" in Hebrew comes from the Hebrew word "nisaw" (which I may be misspelling) which actually means "to take the potential inside and make it actual."  

    Now, let's look at the word "potential".  Potenial is:

    1. Dormant ability

    2. Reserved power

    3. Untapped strength

    4. Unused success

    5. Hidden talents

    6. Capped capability

    7. All I can be but have not get become

    8. Unexposed ability and latent power

    9. All I can do but have not yet done

    10. How far I can reach but have not yet reached.

    11. What I can accomplish but have not yet accomplished.

    I know that when you go through things it seems like God is not listening or that He does not care.  I have often wondered why He allows things to happen...and I do not have all those answers.  But what I do have is Him.  And I have to remind myself of who He is to me when it seems like He is not there.  

    Sometimes bad things happen to good people.  Sometimes we bring those things upon ourselves.  Sometimes it seems like there is just no answer.  But all the time God is there and He IS good...He cannot be any other way.  Being good doesn't always mean that we will get our way or that things will be easy; in fact in several places in Scripture it states that we WILL have trials and tests and that we WILL be persecuted.  However, it also states that He will deliver them from us.  Sometimes His form of deliverance is not what we had in mind :-). But in the long run it's always worth it.  

    Here are some Scriptures to help:

    Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself also in the LORD,

             And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

    (vs.3 speaks of trusting in Him, which is why "also" is used in this verse)

    Exodux 23:22: 22 But if you indeed obey His voice and do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.

    Isaiah 59:19b: When the enemy comes in like a flood,

          The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.

    The whole purpose of a problem is to connect you to people so watch to enters and exits your life.  Before an ascension or promotion, there must be a descension or test. But always remember that God loves you. Even when you think He is not listening, when it seems like the problems go on and on and the comfort has stopped...when it seems like He puts more and more on you and has decided that you are His personal jester created only for His amusement...remember He is not laughing at or picking on you, but that He loves you. And what He allows WILL be used for His glory and your good.  Be encouraged!


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