
When will he become more mature?

by  |  earlier

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My brother is 9 years old. He always had some type of anger issues. Whenever he didn't get what he wanted, he would throw things, and hit people that might have made him a little angry. He also never understands things. Like when we are in the middle of something, he might just say something he wants to do, and doesn't understand that we are too busy to take him where he wants or do what he wants. When we say no, he makes a fit and just destructs our house until he gets what he wants. When will he become more mature and start to understand and be more nicer to people? What can we do to make him understand?

PS time outs don't work. he just wont do it.




  1. he needs a spanking. Its your parent fault for giving in to him. He may never grow out of it.. I know people who are in their 20 that think everyone owes them because mom and dad never told them no.  

  2. Well its like this ..if he dont change he will probaly be in prison..Tell him not to drop the soap

  3. I hate to be the one to say it, but it might not just be "anger" issues and immaturity. He could be suffering from a mental illness. Have your folks had him checked by a child psychologist or doctor? If not, they should do so right away. He could have a serious condition that could impact his ability to develop and do well in school. If not, then frankly, you still have your parents to blame. They need to learn to control him better and raise him to treat people better. He is still young and immature, sure, but he is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. It's up to your parents to make sure he acts on it. If they are unable, they should get some training or counseling and learn.

    Good luck!

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