
When/will hydrogen fuel cells be used in the future?????????

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the japanese have just invented a car what is just a normal looking, normal speed etc car and so when will all the car manufactuers begin putting the technology in all the cars sold. also will the goverments make it law that these hydrogen fuel cells have to be used(if they did i think the eu would be the first to make that law) when will goverments begin creating the infastructure e.g. filling stations.

i wouldnt like to be a saudi arabian when this happens lol start to get back to selling camels

so when will this happen and do you think it will




  1. succintly, whats a hydrgen fuel cell? the japanese invent everything.

  2. Honda has a new car coming out in 2008 for lease only called the Honda FCX Clarity.

  3. As far as mass production of any kind of hydrogen vehicles, it probably won't be for at least 10 or 15 years, if at all.  I think GM has a hydrogen prototype car in the works too, but you can't buy it anywhere.

    Look for the next big thing to be those hybrid electric cars that you can plug in and charge.  The Chevy Volt is supposed to be coming out soon, you can go about 40 miles on an electric charge before the car starts using gasoline.  

    We've already bought so much oil from the Saudis that they probably have enough money to last the entire country 200 years!

  4. hydrogen fuel cells need hydrogen and oxygen to operate.  oxygen can come from atmospheric air as it does with internal combustion engines, but a safe, reliable source of hydrogen for a consumer vehicle has yet to be developed.  (recall the hindenberg, which was filled with hydrogen)  if the many technical hurdles for implementing fuel cell cars can be overcome, creating the infrastructure for hydrogen fueling will likely be left to market forces, that is to say that when oil and gasoline are priced too high, consumers will opt for something less expensive.  so far this has not occurred because even at comparable production rates to conventional engines, fuel cell technology will be quite expensive due to the use of precious metals (platinum, ruthenium) in the fuel cell and the only way to get hydrogen is either from cracking petroleum (oil) or from water electrolysis.  unless crude oil prices skyrocket, the use of petroleum to fuel personal vehicles will still be the most economical source of fuel.  water electrolysis requires electricity and clean water, so you either need nuclear or coal fired power plants to generate the electricity to convert another precious resource (drinking water) to fule for your car.  it's more likely that people will become more reliant on mass transport that will be subsidized by government.  it will be cheaper to take a bus or train than owning a vehicle and fueling it.  so that camel may come in handy, after all!

  5. When I researched online, because I really want a fuel cell car, I found out 2010 was the key year. I guess GM is coming out with one, and yes honda has I think its FCX or FXC. I mean they already have commercials for it.

    California already has some hydrogen stations, and they are making way for the hydrogen highway I think in 2010. But its pretty exciting and cannot wait to get one!

  6. in the usa ? long after your gone,

  7. i say 50 - 100 years,

    i mean think about it, that's all those gas stations, all those bus's all those tanks and jets, and ships, and planes, and trucks, and other Continent using oil

    theres no escape we will see oil all of our lifetimes, i mean China,India,Pakistan,Vietnam,Cambodia, and alot of other countries are going throughout

    INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION which emits alto of carbon( china makes 2 coal factories a day)

    so0 even if America went " Green" we still couldn't stop "global warming"

    i personally think we should invest but slowly

    plus you cant force people to buy it what about all those cars on the road,or the guys who need gas guzzling trucks for work?

    When was the last time you saw a construction worker hauling lumber in a frigan prius?

    get real its not going to be available enough anyways,

  8. the first thing you should realize is that there is no free hydrogen to be put into cars.  hydrogen is like a battery, it stores energy.  thus it is not a power source, but a storage medium.

    so, what is the energy storage medium in the future?  (that is what gasoline is, you know, "stored energy".  it's just that it was stored millions of years ago.  we're going to run out, and will have to find a way to store energy today, to be used in moving vehicles.)

    hydrogen has the benefit of being very light, and able to store large amounts of energy.

    it has the drawback of being quite dangerous -- you cannot see a pure hydrogen fire.  although if you include something that makes the fire visible, that problem can be more of less mitigated.

    hydrogen has the advantage that, like gasoline, you can put the energy into a car fairly quickly, unlike charging a battery.

    but it's still quite expensive to make.  you'll find people, or websites, that think you can "magically" create hydrogen by using some fancy metal to separate H2 from O.  don't believe 'em, it's just not true.  if it were, then the power companies would be doing it already, rather than pay for coal or oil.

    i tend to think that it won't happen on a large scale.  it's just too expensive, and potentially dangerous, for gas stations to convert.  i don't know what will be the long term direction, but batteries seem to have the inside track today.  however, my crystal ball is a bit cloudy on this matter.

  9. Really it doesn't look likely in the next 20 years. Sure Honda has one coming out, but it is being leased since it is too expensive to buy and too expensive to commercially produce on a large scale.  The technology is not here yet, despite Bush's claims.

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