
When will i be able to enrol in a "white focus" school?

by  |  earlier

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there are black focus schools, so I presume, since we are all equal, I too will have the chance to enrol in a white focus school.




  1. This question was asked in jest.

  2. Sounds like you're already enrolled in a white-focused school...

  3. Although I'm not all about Black focused schools, I understand why they are necessary. Dropouts rates are horrendous among black students and especially males, these students who drop out statistically are getting into alot of trouble, ala gang shootings. This is a proactive way to get people off the streets and out of gangs. These schools will not be publicly  funded which is good to me as it is a private interest. But in my humble opinion this is a good thing for society. I want everyone to have a fair shot at eduction and if they feel more comfortable around other black students than by all means. I guess being an Atheist I'm not as welcome at a Catholic school as they might just talk about religion. Who cares. I hope Black focused schools don't hurt your white pride too much. You have the most opportunities as a white male now let others have their shot!  I'm sure you complain everytime you turn on the news and see that black guys are shooting eachother in our city and than you complain about an active solution to the problem.

  4. umm we aren't as equal as u think we are .. lol..c'mon now!

  5. I guess the answer is all but black focus schools are white focus schools?

  6. go to a school in an uppity area?? ;p

    when i went to school all you learned in history class was about the white colonists coming over to rape this land, and all you learned in geography was about canada (other then the names and places of the other continents)  so i guess you could call that "white" education.

    how about instead of segregation, having a celtic history or culture class? my highschool had an african history course.

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