
When will i get my braces offff!?

by  |  earlier

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my teeth are straight, i have less than a centimeter in between my top teeth and bottom teeth. i only have to wear light elastics at night and my ortho said last appt. i would get them off this appt or before school in september, but i missed my schedule appointment and am now going this week... do you think ill get them offfff?

also, will i have ":train tracks" i brush my teeth once or twice a day usually, and i dont flossss :/

alssssoo... my gums are puffy, only the top. is this because of braces. when i get them off with they nto be pufffy haha. and how long will that take?

does it hurt to get them offff?





  1. It really all depends on when your dentist thinks you&#039;re ready to have them removed. Not to discourage you but I had mine for about 2 years. I got them off just in time for my Sweet 16 b-day party though.

    You should be flossing. Food can get stuck in between your teeth easier with braces on. You want to have a piece of spinach stuck in your front teeth all day, would you? :) It does not hurt to get them removed. All you&#039;ll feel is the pressure when they are pulled off your teeth. :)

  2. Getting them off doesnt hurt, I got mine off a week ago. If youre teeth look darker around the bracket you will have white spots. If your ortho told you that youd get them off the last app then you will when you go, unless you havent worn your elastics and havent closed up the gap between your top and bottom teeth.

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