
When will i get my first period again.. After birth.?

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I had a baby 6 weeks ago so far no period yet, Just wondering when my period will start again?




  1. It all depends if you are  nursing or not. I got mine at like 5 weeks because my milk never came in so i couldnt nurse after like the 1 week. It varies. just look for it, mine gave no warning :( and then it came! and boy was it heavy! It lasted like 4 days then went away for like 3 days and then came back like a normal period. Good luck and Congrats on the little one! They are a joy!

  2. are you breastfeeding? If you are, this can delay your periods sometimes.

  3. It depends on whether you are breast feeding, if so usually takes a while, if bottle feeding usually 6 to 8 weeks.


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