
When will i go abroad,this is my desire to it possible in my destiny?

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When will i go abroad,this is my desire to it possible in my destiny?




  1. There's no such thing as "destiny." It's just something you want, really want, a passion, not magic, not mysticism. Passions grow from your life experiences and interests.

    Go for it, make it happen, learn Italian, study the guide books, read the web pages, save money, plan, learn, talk to Italians online, become an exchange student, backpack through Europe, get a job in Rome, or study in Rome, keep moving forward, don't let anything stop you, and one day soon you will achieve your goal.

  2. yes you can go just believe in your self and make hard efforts for it

  3. Are you from PA?  You can go whenever you want.  If that's what you want to do, do it.

  4. You Ought to pray about that before you do so, that's what I would do.

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