
When will i hit puberty??

by Guest64045  |  earlier

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im 15 1/2

my p***s is small.....3 and a half inches non-erected

no armpit hair

some hair above my p***s and on my s*****m but no bush

im around 5 feet 10 inches

around 115 lbs. (im skinny)

and going into 10th grade.

can somone help me?? all answers possible would be a lot of help.




  1. It sounds as if you started puberty already. You wouldn't have any hair otherwise. Puberty normally starts anyhwere form 13 to 17 years of age. It can happen as late as age 20.

    sounds like you are on your way to filling out the rest of the way.  

  2. You have definitely started puberty as growth of pubic hair is one of the signs !!

    But remember it is a process and not an overnight happening and usually the pubic hair is quite sparse in earlier stages of puberty

    Three and a half inches flaccid is not that small really , and the average length of an erect adult is around 6.2 inches and you still have 2 or three years growth to come

    So try and be patient all will happen in due course  

  3. You are well into puberty. You did not say how big your erection was, non erect size is totally irrelevant for any purpose other than to pee.  If you have hair on your balls and above the p***s, you are in puberty, and your height is certainly slightly above average for an adult male, so you have already been experiencing your puberty growth. Not sure why you think you haven't been in puberty-- not all guys grow big bushes or have lots of body hair, and most body hair comes in as you reach adulthood anyway.  Also, assume you have interest in s*x and can get erections thinking about s*x, another sign of puberty.

  4. NEVER!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! lol jk. SOON!!!

    ***plz allow 3-5 weeks for delivery.

  5. Wow im way farther then you are hahah

  6. Ask these questions and if the answer to any of them is yes, then you are well on your way.

    Have you begun to notice the girls more?

    Has your voice changed any?

    Have you notice you smell a little differently, like you need deodorant more or you feel you have to shower more or wash that area down there more?

    Is there hair in the nether regions?

    Are you starting to feel stronger, building muscle?

    Are you getting acne or pimples more often?

    Do you want to compete, fight or just be more aggresive?

    Are you short with your parents and feel they don't know anything?

    Do you have an achey full feeling down there when you think of girls?

    Do you find it diffacult to keep your hands off yourself?

    There are a few more indications, but the fact you are inquiring means you are on your way.  Careful this is a dangerous time for you and you can get into a lot of trouble.  Your mind will not be functioning rationaly for a while and you will be prone to doing some dumb things.  Talk to your parents about this sort of stuff, especially your dad.  He has been through it and can help you more then anyone.  Also, its a very formative point in your life when it comes to normal healthy thoughts of women.  Resist the urge to seek out p**n and model your sexual thoughts and preferances based on what you see there.  p**n is not a good thing for a young man to endulge in.  Thats usualy left to older, immature men who don't seem to ever grow up.

    Good Luck

  7. You've already started since you have hair in your pubic region.  And your flaccid size indicates you've already had growth there too.  All of the male characteristics don't take place at the same time.  You're well on your way so don't worry.

  8. You ARE in puberty.  If you've got pubes, you're there.  And your flaccid size isn't all that bad.  It's not the flaccid size that counts anyway;  what it is erect is what counts.  And just remember, not everyone is p**n star hung.  In fact, most guys are somewhere around the 5 inch size.  So you're in good company.

    And it could just be that you're not genetically disposed to having a 'bush'.   But, you're young yet, so just give yourself time.  I didn't even get facial hair until college.

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