
When will i land my axel?

by  |  earlier

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Okay people, to all you figure skaters out there! I have been skating since January of 2008. I have a lesson 1 day a week for an hour but i skate almost every day for about 3 hours. I am working out my loop and flip, i can almost land my loop i just have a little trouble. At this rate, when will i start working on, or land, my axel?? (what month, year, ect.) Any info would be helpful (: THANKS!




  1. im in freestyle 5 now in isi

    i landed mine about a year ago and thats when i was working on it for 6 months. I worked on it every weekday with a lot of discipline. It was a hard time but its worth it. You will probably land it in about two years cuz i have been skating for five years now.

    i started working on my axel two years into skating. it took me about three years to land it. trust me, its a long process. it not easy "/

  2. when you land your axel all just depends on how you do with your other jumps that you need to master before the axel.

    you said you are working on the loop and the flip so i'm assuming that you need to work on the lutz too. once you have all your single jumps mastered, then you can learn the axel.

    also talk to your coach about it cause i'm sure she/he will know when its best for you to learn it.

    i hope this helps you, and good luck!!

  3. Your coach will probably start you on your axel once your loop is solid and all your single jumps are strong.  If you think about it, a single axel is much like a waltz/loop combination.  Work hard on your backspin and that will help when you get to an axel and double jumps as well.  It wouldn't hurt to work on half axels and axels off-ice in preparation, but I wouldn't start them on-ice until your coach works with you on them.  Work hard on perfecting your waltz jump take off because the take off of your waltz jump is a strong indicator as to how strong your axel take off will be.  

    Axels take most skaters a long time to perfect, so don't panic if it doesn't come quickly.  A lot of skaters will tell you it takes them at least a year to get it consistent and strong, so it's hard to venture a guess as to when you'll have it.  If I were to guess, I'd say you'd probably start axels maybe by the end of the year and maybe have some success with them in the spring of next year.  Don't quote me on that though!  :)  Good luck!

  4. It really depends on how soon you land your loop.  Also, how good of a skater you are.  After your loop you learn a flip and a lutz before you work on your axle.  I would say you will land it sometime in 2010 or 2011.  Sorry, I know it seems like a long time.  I have two or three lessons a week and I have been working on my axle for two-ish years.  Its hard.  Good Luck! Remember, don't get discouraged, and... SKATE GREAT!!!!!

  5. once i started learning it, it took me about six months

  6. axel is required in the test for freeskate 6

    practice off ice

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