
When will i start showing?

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im 9 wks pregnant now. when will i start to show and when will i start to feel movement?

also, does every woman get stretch marks??




  1. I didn't start showing until my 5th or 6th month.  As I recall it was around there where I started to feel real movements, but at times earlier then that I felt a flutter in my stomach.  It was very very faint but I felt it.  

    Not every women gets stretch marks, I heard it was hereditary and my mother didn't get any and neither did I.  I am not sure if that is true or just a old wives tale.

    I recommend using baby oil and mild lotions on your stomach starting now.  Especially after you come out from the bath or shower, that will help keep your skin moisturized!!  Good luck!

  2. no not everywoman get stech mark if your petite you'll start showing maybe 4 months.

    use coco butter for stretch marks so u wont get strech marks

  3. Every woman is different, and I did not get stretchmarks. Stretch marks a lot of times are genetic. Did your mom get a lot of stretch marks? They have creams to help prevent stretch marks, but you may want to save your money as nothing has been shown to be effective for all women. Most girls start showing around 20 weeks in their first pregnancy as this is when your uterus reaches your belly button. Usually in first pregnancy movement is felt for the first time between 18-22 weeks. For me it was sooner than that, at around 14 weeks. If you are thinner you will most likely feel movement sooner than if you're carrying a few extra pounds. You should go to to read more about your pregnancy. They also have weekly emails that tell you the different parts that are developing each week. Good luck and Congrats!

  4. Every woman will show at different times. For me, Im already 20 weeks and i just have a bulge under my belly button, but im not showing almost at all and it's almost flat especially in the mornings.

    I started feeling quickening though at 17 weeks pregnant. Now she moves a lot especially at night or after I have a meal... Not everyone gets stretch marks, if you take care of your belly by applying cream it can help. However, many don't apply creams and still don't get marks. It depends on your belly's elasticity i guess.

  5. Hi, with my first he was born 9.5 pounds and I did not show unitl beginning of 7th mo. then I blew up like a hot air balloon. With my second he was born 3 weeks early at 8.5 pounds I started showing at 5 months, and I am being induced with twins on sat and I started showing around 12 weeks and until three weeks ago I have never had a single stretch mark. Also this is the only pregnancy I actually used lotion and cream to try and prevent them and got them anyway. Good luck

  6. really depends on your body, and if its your 1st pregnancy you may not start to show till your over 4 months, the more pregnancy's you have the quicker you show, and as for movements the same thing if its your 1st you may not feel anything till your 20+weeks, and no not every woman gets stretch marks, i would use bio oils or Palmer's coco butter to try and prevent them  

  7. I started showing around 25 weeks. I first felt him move at 19 weeks, but it can happen between 18 and 22 weeks. Not everyone gets stretch marks, I did :(

  8. you start showing and feeling movements in 5th month. most women get stretch marks in pregnancy.

  9. Not every women will get stretch marks and some women will show as early as three months but as late as 6. It depends on the size of your baby, how much weight you gain, and what your body type was before you got pregnant.

    Some women feel flutters between 16 and 20 weeks, but I have heard of women that feel it sooner. I started feeling flutters around 9 weeks, but not to worry before you know it the baby will not stop kicking and you will wish that it didn't start at all. ;)

  10. With my 1st son, i started showing at 3 months, and with my 2nd i didn't start showing until i was about 6 months. Its different with everyone and every pregnancy. and not everyone gets stretch marks. My best friend didn't get any with both of her kids and i got a whole bunch lol

  11. I started to show around the 3 month mark, but everyone is different.  I also wasn't sure if it was a baby bump, or if it was just belly pudge lol :)

    Movement usually happens between 18-20 weeks.  You may feel it before or after though!

    Some women miraculously do not get stretch marks.  Lucky them :)

    Maybe try to use an anti-stretch mark cream?  I'm sure sure how well they work though.

  12. No, not every woman gets stretchmarks. My mom never had any and neither did most of my friends. So far I don't have any either.. I started showing just recently when I hit six months. Movement starts 18 to 22 weeks for most women. :) Congrats on the baby!!

  13. I was a pretty small person before I got pregnant and started showing at about 7 weeks! i thought it was crazy until i found out at week 18 ( ultrasound) that I'm having twins!  Not every person gets stretch marks, some think its genetic. My mom and my grandma didn't have any but I now have some on my b***s and butt. And on the back of my legs....  Cocoa butter is good to use but it doesn't prevent them. it just helps loosen your skin so when you start stretching your skin isn't so tight. If you are meant to have them, you will. But I would definitely recommend the cocoa butter, it helps. I look like i'm about 8 months pregnant and haven't gotten any on my stomach yet!  Oh and I started feeling movement around week 19. Some describe it like lil butterflies but I think it feels more like little bubbles.  Good luck!

  14. 18 weeks is the average time to start feeling movement.  Different people show at very different times.  Taller people tend to show later because there's more room for the baby to stretch out.  Also, with a first baby you'll show later because your stomach muscles are tighter.  It's really very individual.

    For stretch marks I started using the Bo.dy Sh.op E Bo.dy But.ter around my 5th month and only got a couple of stretch marks (the week before I delivered!!)  I'm not sure if it was heredity or the cream, but I will use it again for my next pregnancy.

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