
When will i stop growing?

by  |  earlier

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i'm almost 24 and i noticed my arms have are longer and i'm around 6'2" but skinnier, i hope i can put on weight to fill my figure out a bit.




  1. Growth stops around the age of 20/21 usually. Sounds like you have had a late spurt, well done. You are probably done now.

    To put on weight, i would recommend muscle growth as you are a tall height. Protein drinks and eating right will help you get there. Get a gym membership!


  2. Good for you. Normally, growth stops at the age of 21.  

  3. Growth usually stops after  you finish puberty.  However,  if you are still growing after reaching puberty you may have a tumor on your pituitary gland causing it to keep releasing your hgh(human growth hormone).  Ask your dr at your next appt.  

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