
When will it get better i need help 2 yr old and 3mos?

by  |  earlier

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I need help when will it get better i tried everything from letting him get the diapers to letting him hold him(only when I'm around) we already had our ER visit. I also give him his own time plus his dad spends more time with him then the baby. And i just don't know what else to do i mean he's not hitting him anymore, But he acts like a big baby now and it's so hard he doesn't want to be potty train anymore, he screams every time i cant pick him up it's so embarrassing when i go out cause people give me funny looks. I just want to be a good mom and i feel like I'm not because, I'm under a lot of stress i just started a second job so we can get out of debt and we can better our lives but its so hard all me and the baby father do is argue cause he says i got lazy when it comes to the house. He also complaints about how i forget everything and how disoranized i am. I do think i have ADHD which is making it so much harder. I'm sorry i know I'm every where with this but i really need help to getting my life on track moms please help. And to give you a idea we are all in one room right now so i dont know how to stay oraginized, i stay with a roommate and her kids. Hint that's the reason i have 2 jobs and working my butt off so i can get a better place. I just got tired of my waiting for him i gave him 6mos to get his self together but i need to get my self together too. So any advice will help.




  1. It sounds like you're headed towards litigation. Have you sought legal advice as far as the father's concerned? If you go to court, you can get the child support you are owed. You can also limit the father's rights on how often he gets to see the children and whether he needs someone else present to supervise his visits.

    Your two year old is old enough to understand the things you do and say. If you refuse to put up with his misbehavior, he will eventually see it doesn't work and stop doing it. Time-out is important, as is leaving a public place any time he reacts by screaming. It is frustrating for you and takes ungodly patience and consistency, but he will keep doing these embarrassing things until he sees it no longer works.

    Good luck. Find some support in your life, be it through family or maybe a support group. It helps to have someone on your side.

  2. My kids are the same age apart. It got better for us at about 6 months when the baby started crawling. I think he became more fun in my oldest's eyes b/c he could interact with him. I don't know what to tell you about your marital problems. Just know that everybody has them! Good luck getting out of debt.

  3. This sounds like total chaos and I feel for you and your children.  Don't worry about your oldest being potty trained still to soon and having a baby isn't going to help so forget that for now.  Do you make a point of just getting out you and your 2 yr old?   Start having weekly dates

    even if just an hour of two away from the baby.  You shouldn't be working two jobs, find one with better pay and benfits so you

    and your children can live peacefully.   Don't let anyone tell you you are lazy if they do you can get rid of that problem  See a doctor about your ADHD and don't be ashamed to do it.  Talk to the pediatrition about your 2 yr olds behavior and get his advise.  Take it one step at a time and you and your children will be just fine.

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