
When will it stop hurting so bad to go pee?

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Sorry if this is TMI but OMG it stings SOOOO bad to go pee, I am cringing everytime I have to go, I am almost afraid to go anymore. I had our son September 2nd, I had a bowel movement and it didnt hurt one bit but I think its because amazingly after having an 8lb 7 ounce 20.5 inches long baby boy my doc said he didnt have to give me an episiotomy and I didnt rip it only stings on the inside almost like there is a massive bee stinger with a torch inside of there everytime. Is there anything I can do to make it not hurt so bad?




  1. Unfortunately I can't answer because I had a c-section but I do want to say congrats!!! Our babies are finally here!!! And our due dates are

  2. soon everything will be back to normal. your body has gone through a lot, having a baby in all

  3. It wont be long, unfortunately, I did tear, the trick is to have some clean warm water at the ready when you need to pee, pour it on your v****a as you pee and it wont sting so much because it is diluted. Also make sure you drink plenty to dilute it. The other stuff is completely normal, it will be because your uterus has contracted well, I stopped bleeding really quick. Congrats on the baby.

    P.s. my son was exactly the same size as your baby, had a rather large head and came out too fast lol

  4. use a squirt bottle to rinse it immediately after peeing, they gave me one in the hospital, it made it so much easier and less "scary" to go pee. also when my friend had her baby they had numbing spray for down there, i plan on looking in to getting some of that. it took i think maybe about a week or two to stop stinging while i peed, but i also had two stitches, so maybe by next week it will stop for you too

    EDIT: blood thing is normal, i bleed for about a month and half after giving birth.

  5. Like some others have said, get a squirt bottle, it looks like a hair dye bottle, it squirts a steady stream of water.Every time you have to pee just fill the bottle with warm water and squirt down there AS YOU PEE.It helps SO MUCH! And your bleeding sounds fine, it is really heavy the first few days and then it slows to period like bleeding.Some days you will bleed more than others.Congrats on your little one!

  6. A squirt bottle is your best friend!  I'm shocked they didn't give you one in the hospital.  Good perianal care is so important after child birth.I'm sure they sell squirt bottles at the drug store.  Get one of those squeezy kind.  After using the restroom, squirt yourself off and pat dry.  Also, call your doc or midwife and ask for some Dermaplast.  It's a topical anesthetic spray and it can really help a lot as well.

    As far as the blood goes... this is called lochia.  The first 1-3 days it is bright red and comes in moderate to small amounts.  Around day 3 or 4 it stars to clear up a little and turns more pinkish-clearish, so yes, this response is totally normal.  

    If your pain during urination continues for another 2 or 3 days, call your doc.  It could be the result of an infection, which are not uncommon after pregnancy.

  7. I had my baby girl in June & had bad problems with that because while I was pushing, I got a bad tear way up inside the uterus (sorry if it's TMI) & lost a lot of blood. My baby was only 6lbs 2 oz.The doctor had to put me to sleep for a few hours to stitch everything up.  I didn't have an episiotomy either because she came out so fast. It hurt soooo bad to pee, walk or even move sometimes. I remember I had to hold onto the bar in the bathroom at the hospital because it hurt so bad. They gave me lots of pain medicines though as well as a prescription for when I needed it at home. I stopped needing the pain medicine after about 5-7 days. I also had problems with the bowel thing. After I had the baby, I wasn't hungry at all but I had to eat so the pain medicine wouldn't make me sick. I hadn't eaten enough to have to go to the bathroom. I didn't feel like I had to go until A WEEK after I had her & I was so afraid that if I pushed, I would rip the stitches. The doctor told me to go to the drugstore & get stool softener. Don't get a laxative because that's not necessary- just the softener.  It's also normal not to be bleeding as much anymore. I bled what I thought was a ton in the hospital but after a few days it was not nearly as bad. It pretty much was all gone in about a week & 1/2. It's now been almost 11 weeks for me & everything is fine now.

    BTW- my little sister's birthday was Sept 2. She's 10,

  8. you should really go to the doctor

  9. i don't know if that's normal but it didn't happen to me after i had my son i think that you should call your doctor

  10. I feel for you hun this is what i did when i had to wee i either filled the bath and went in there i know it sounds gross but the midwife told me to it.

    the second thing was get a jug of warm salted water and when you wee pour it as you are going it did stop the stinging as it dilutes it and helps heal you as well

  11. I never hurt going pee after my kids. Maybe call your doctor you could have a bladder infection or something.

  12. It hurt to pee for me rather then taking a bowel movement AND I hardly bleed after the first couple of days. You are completely normal, but it took about a week and a couple of days before I was normal again. I was like you, I dreaded going number one and would hold it until I had to really go. it didnt hurt but stings so bad! My doctor had me spray warm water down there and pat it dry. Other then that, a cold pack down there helped me with the pain when I sat down, other then that, it just takes time. I wouldnt worry unless you have a blood clot, and you arent normal by 2 weeks after birth. I wouldnt worry and congrats on the baby!!!  

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