
When will liberals start offering more of their own money to give to freeloaders?

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Do they still not have enough of their own money to give away? Are they not saving enough now that they only use 1 square of toilet paper per sitting? Just curious




  1. I'll never see the day.

  2. We have exhausted all of our money, time and efforts to help the poor, but because of you n**i-assed republicans, more and more poor folks keep showing up at our doorsteps.

    I am a rare liberal.  Namely one who is pissed off and ready to kick some neo-n**i republican ***.  Maybe Hillary will do it for me.

  3. We pay taxes as well. When we set the tax rates at what they need to be to keep this country growing and healthy - we pay those rates as well.

  4. Conservatives tend to be vague...this is a classic example...i have no idea what this guy means...well i guess he's happy now...he's shot his question out there

  5. By "freeloaders" do you mean the major corporations, sports teams and other businesses which profit disproportionately through corporate welfare?

    I think everyone, conservative and liberal alike, already give too much to those people.


    Here's a couple of videos.  The first is Rumsfield answering allegations in front of Congress that 2.3 TRILLION dollars in missing in the Pentagon.  Totally unacounted for.  He fully admits that the money is missing.  The second video is a follow up.  

    Nothing was ever done about this money.

    If you want responsible budget of taxpayers dollars, please look to ALL politicians.  This gross waste is unAmerican by ANY standard.

  7. It drives me crazy how the term liberal is so misused.  Liberal really means someone who focuses on individual liberty, not the democratic socialist most people think it is.

    And no, democratic socialists will never stop wanting to give away money. For some reason they think everyone deserves to have equal wealth, regardless of how inequal the work is.

  8. when rip off corporate welfare stops. Dont be a fool.

  9. Have you seen pigs fly yet?

  10. Jesus was a giver.

    Jesus was a liberal.

  11. When conservatives start offering more of their own money to support the war in Iraq.

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