
When will momma ween the 3 week old pups? can i give them wet or dry food? they have no teeth yet?

by Guest63899  |  earlier

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why doesn't momma like to spend alot of time with the pups (3) after i feed her i make her stay in with the pups so they can eat. is she trying to ween them? they are now 3 weeks old, or is she just tired, cuz she is in the kennel all day while i'm at work with them.




  1. the mom dog most likely is tired and might need to get used to them although mom dog are usually used to them by now but sometimes it takes a little time

  2. Mom may be tired, or she may be starting to wean.. around 4 weeks is when they start weaning.

    Make them a puppy "mush"  take some high quality puppy kibble.. soak them in either warm water or puppy formula.. mash it up, and offer to the pups in a shallow bowl.

    They may try it..  if they show no interest, try again in a few days.  When they do start to try solids you will need to begin to offer them the mush several times a day to supplement mom's milk.

    When they start getting teeth you can soften the food and offer it whole, instead of mushed..  and gradually offer them harder food.

  3. the mom is wanting a break away from them being with them all day is tiring her out she knows when its time to feed them.... also they cant leave the mom until they are 6 weeks old by then she will start to ween them a week before some times its a little longer but most people let them go around 6 weeks of age..........

  4. about 6 to 8 weeks

  5. I'm not sure I understand the way you wrote the question  - is the mother in with the puppies all day?  She should be!

    If you haven't clipped their nails, it's possible they are gouging her around the nipples - that makes it very painful to nurse, and some b*****s will quit on you, for good reason.  Examine her nipples, and make sure there aren't any sores - and also check that her nipples aren't hard and hot, which means she has mastitis.

    If either of these things are true, she could have a warm compress on them, and that'll help.  Express some milk out of any nipple that appears inflamed, and make sure it still works - and then put the biggest toughest puppy you have on it to clear it out and keep it going.

      As far as the nails, they should be clipped every day- use an infant nail clipper, the flip and press kind found in the drugstore baby section.  Just nip the little white tips off the front paws of each puppy.

      They must get milk until they are at least 6 weeks old - tell her to lie down, and if you have to, lean an elbow (yours) on her shoulder to hold her down until the puppies all have a good drink.  Do this at least two or three times a day, so everyone gets some.  It's really so important that they get the proper nutrition!

      RIght about now, you can supplement them with this recipe, and add some kibble -


    1 can evaporated milk (NOT condensed)

    1 can  water (refill the can and add)

    1 egg yolk (no white)

    ½ teaspoon Karo corn syrup

       -whirl in a blender just until mixed, don’t make foam, and don’t give any foam to puppy.  It can be stored for the better part of a day in the fridge, but rewarm it in the microwave for about 15 seconds or so, and test it on your wrist.

       But do have her nurse them - she has the good stuff!

      My puppies all nursed up til the last day they were here, at around 7 and a half  least once a day.

  6. It sounds like if she is already with them all day then yes, she is prob. just tired. You can buy puppy chow and let it soak in warm water until it is mushy, when they are about 4 weeks old offer it to them. They should take interest right away, if not, no big deal!! Offer some each day until they do start eating it. When the pups start eating on the food you should give them some everyday around the same time.

    Keep in mind that soon after they start eating on thier own the mother will prob. stop cleaning up after them (ex. poo and pee), so make sure there is always fresh bedding or newspaper :)  

  7. the mom should know when she needs to feed them... so if she is not spending much time with them they should be okay as long as she dose not completely ignore them... they should be weened by around 6 weeks but should not leave there mom until 8 weeks or they may have temperament problems... hope this helps

  8. At three weeks they should at least have milk teeth!

    Those are like little needles and my dogs always started weening about three weeks.

      I helped by letting some dry food soak in goats milk once a day while I was there to monitor the progress.  That lasted for a week or so, when I felt all the pups got the idea of food then I left dry food with them and their mom to nibble on during the day.

      Don't worry they will figure it out.

    Be more worried about confining them in a tiny kennel as they start to grow!

  9. 6 weeks anyway. When they start to get teeth she will avoid them. Make a bowl of dry food mixed with warm water. Mash it up. Don't forget to give them plenty of water also when they stop nursing. I bet they are cute.

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