
When will my GF's dad get over the fact that his daughter loves a Mexican?

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They are Creole BTW. Every time i come over he makes me wait outside. We have been going together for 2 1/2 years now. I ain't tripping just saying.




  1. If he has issues then it is just that, his issues. Just be the best you that you can be. He may never get passed his reasons for feeling the way he does. However, you might the one who brings the light back into his life. Don't try and change him only he can do that.

  2. It's just annoyingly unfair when one has to deal with people's issues he doesn't actually choose to be with.I would guess certain people have their "buttons" you can press to change their minds,or he may realize how unreasonable he is by himself, but you can simply avoid contact as much as you can.You don't have to put up with that.Jeez.

  3. he may never get over it, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. spend some time with him too, he's practically family. show him that you truly care for his daughter and soon he'll be proud to say his daughter is dating a mexican!

  4. This probably belongs in relationship more than philosophy, but I suppose he'll get over it probably on your 1st or 2nd wedding anniversary.

  5. Yeeks! Going together for 2 1/2 years and still treats you that way. I would say it is time to have a talk, first with your GF. Enlist her aid, then have a talk with her Dad.

    But, find out what is really going on. His reaction to you may have nothing to do with your ethnicity.

  6. maybe never. then again in ten years you may be his favorite.

  7. Just ignore him.  His daughter can do what she wants.  It doesn't matter if he doesn't get over it.  It is not his choice, not his place to judge.

  8. As soon as you save his life or on his death bed .

  9. Maybe when you have kids. LOL

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