
When will my baby platy's get bigger?

by Guest57754  |  earlier

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I have a 40 gallon tank and I have like dozens of baby platies in there. They should be a month now and I was wondering when do they actually get the size of an adult? They all look like females does it take time for them to develop more or do i really just have all female platies?




  1. You will not be able to tell if they are male or female until they are about 3 months old. they should reach full maturity by 4 months( adult size)

  2. no,you`ll be able to tell in a couple more months

    5 or6 months old they`ll be close to adult size.

  3. well all fry mature at 4 months old however they may stop growing at 6-8 months old maybe even sooner

  4. As abreeder of tropical fish, I will tell you this, babys need crapload of nutrition and massive water changes-ALL the time. My babies are adult size in 4 weeks with a constant temp of 80F. Lower temps will result in longer maturity 4,5,6,7,8,9, months. All the fish will look like females for now again temps play a big factor......

  5. They will eventually grow. It's only been a month so it might take a while. I'm not sure if females grow slower or faster than males, but i know platy's take time to grow. hope this helped!

    Enjoy your fish!!!

  6. It is possible that all of the litter is female.  It is common for livebearers to have a litter of single-gendered fry.  I have also heard that it is possible for livebearers to change genders in early stages of development.  Their growth depends largely on their environment: temp., food, predation, etc.  Generally it takes about 4-5 months to reach adulthood, but they will continue to grow slowly.

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