
When will my boys have their growth spurt?

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My sons 9 & 11 are so short and tiny. They are chinese and caucasian mix. I'm the asian. Everytime someone ask their age and are told, they are surprised. The 11 year old is 4'1 while the 9 is 3'10. I'm worried that they may follow me but I hope they are just slow in growth. When is the actual age they start growing?




  1. Every kid is different....I didn't hit a growth spurt until Sophomore/Junior year of HS.  You also hear about some of these athletes that are little guys in HS but then hit a crazy growth spurt freshman year of college.

    If you have a concern, you could talk to your doctor.  I'm sure they would be able to let you know if you truly have something to be concerned about.

  2. I wouldn't worry too much. They are still young boys when puberty hits they'll be growing like weeds. Boys don't usually stop growing until they are 21 so they have plenty of time. Also look at how tall you are vs. how tall your husband is. Height it hereitary...they'll take after  one of you parents.

  3. They will grow when it is time for them to grow.

  4. idk when they hit pueberty cause at there height it could be later in high school cause with me i'm 12 years old at 5"3 and i'm like the shortest kid in my class so idk

  5. There's no point in worrying. All children grow at different ages. Teach your kids to be good people and their height has no bearings on what good,funny,decent human beings they are.

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