
When will my b*****s stop lactating?

by  |  earlier

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I gave birth 21 months ago and stopped breast feeding when my baby (now toddler) was 6 months old. But my b***s are still making loads of milk and they are so huge and sore. Will they ever stop lactating?




  1. They should have dried up long before now. Go and see your GP. You can take medication to stop producing.

  2. wow, that's odd to carry on for so long. You need to see your GP about that - you must have some sort of hormonal imbalance.

  3. Well i think you should call a doctor and ask so He/She should help you and maybe give you some pills to take.because it can maybe be something wrong with you breast and if there are now sore the you should maybe go to cvs or rite aid what ever store you go to, to get pills and stuff like the and ask for something to stop your breast from being sore like maybe some cream hope it work.

  4. wow how have u been putting up with it for so long i didnt breastfeed my first and mine took 6 weeks to dry up which i thought was ages,id defo go c ur gp there has to be something for u to take x*x

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