
When will my cat give birth?

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ok so noticed my cat is pregnant about 4 weeks ago, she was given 2 me 6 weeks ago by someone i know who was leaving to travel for a year! He told me she had been done! she is massive now and last couple of days she has been looking for a safe place to have them.

What in want to know when do you think she may give birth and what are the signs of labour starting! thanks i have helped deliver my mums kittens a few times so think ill be ok just don't know how long she has..




  1. ive had 2 litters of kittens theyre wicked but yeah theyre pregnant for like 8 weeks and when they find a place to give birth they'll sleep there more often.  When she goes into labour she becomes very restless and whiney so just lead her to her little birth place and they get on with it all by themselves. so yeah yuve got like 2 weeks left

  2. Well, cats stay pregnant from 58-63 days, which is pretty much 2 months. The way you say it, she seems 1 month pregnant, so she still has about a month more to go.

    The signs of labor is bieng very hungry, so you have to feed her three times the regular amount! Make sure you provide enough water 3 times a day.

    Her stomach would get larger, the nipples would have grown, and lactated, and she would become friendlier, but protective, and she would be hiding in a quiet, dark, safe place, for a couple of days,  because she's waiting to give birth, and make sure her water, food, and litter box is close, wherever the place is.

    Also, when the kittens are 3-4 weeks old, minimize the mothers feeding to twice the amount, and make sure to start feeding the kittens moist/wettend dry food, or wet food. When the kittens are 6 weeks old, give the mother normal feeding, and the kittens dry/wet food, which ever you choose.  


  3. A cat's pregnancy usually lasts between 64 - 67 days, so pretty much 2 months, you can usually tell that they are pregnant visibly by 4 weeks, so she may not be as far along as you think, and may just be "nesting" a bit.

    If she is close to her time though, you will notice a LOT of symptoms, here goes:

    -She will nest in cool dark / hidden places, even if this is not where she eventually gives birth.

    -She may walk around obsessively miauing and looking stressed.

    -She will want to be away from strangers and may be violent toward other animals / unknown people, however, she may go to her "person of confidence" i.e owner, or someone she is very close to, and want to be near them to feel safe. (Very sweet and a behaviour unique to cats!!)

    -She will lose her apetite.

    -You will notice her v****a is red and swollen and then she will break waters.  The kittens should start to be born a maximum of 1 hour after the waters breaking - if not - CALL A VET!

    Good luck, I helped my kitty have her last kitten as she was very tired and it was totally amazing!

    Source:  I am a veterinary nurse currently doing my final exam, and I also have and love kitties!

  4. A Vet Could Help?

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