
When will my dad forgive me?

by  |  earlier

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he is an alcoholic and was staying with me and my partner until he got his licence back. he was constantly getting drunk and starting fights with me and my partner not just verbal fights. i am 12 weeks pregnant and when he started pushing me around my partner steped in and pined him to the ground. then he called the police who took him down to his mums place in the city to stay. i love my dad but i had grown up being beaten up by him and moved out when i was 15 yrs old. i wasnt the one who called the police but he hasnt spoken to me for months and every time i try to call him he just hangs up on me. its realy starting to get me down and i am sure its affecting the baby. what do i do?




  1. Sorry to hun but he's got issuse's to deal with... Worry about your bub, good on you for calling the cops you did what was best for your's and the babies satefy!!! He stuffed up but attacking you so you shouldnt make the first move, he needs to realize that you did him a favour by taking me in, in the first place..

    Hold your head up hun he stuffed not you!!

  2. Forgive you.. he needs help to deal with his alcohol problem this is not your fault but what you could do is look online for help with alcohol problems in your area or something. He shouldnt need to forgive you

  3. Why are you trying to call him?  You kicked him out of your house.

  4. He should be apologizing to you.  You dad sounds very ungrateful.

  5. You and your partner aren't in need of forgiveness. Your father is a violent drunk who mistakenly thinks the world owes him a wide bearth when he imbides too much. If my father(another violent drunk) had dared to get violent with my wife or girlfriend I wouldn't have simply pinned him to the ground, I would have knocked him into next week!! Stop being an enabler for this idiot and make it clear to him that he can have no life with you or your baby if he's drunk. If he can't shape up then it's better that you ship him out before YOUR child is the one being abused. By the way, my father did sober up when presented with no viable alternative and he was a decent and funny guy when sober.  

  6. Why should this affect your baby. Don't worry to much be happy for what had happened, his fault not your partners or yours.

    Has a father he should repent his sins instead of it he is creating more.

    You don't need to be sorry for him.

    Your father have to be sorry for what he has done to you.

  7. he will in a few weeks I would think

  8. go to al anon honey - they will help you. they are a fabulous organisation for friends and families of alcoholics....

    there is far far more to say to this issue than will fit in a YA box... check them out - they know the score

  9. Unfortunately if your dad is an alcoholic it could take a long time for him to forgive because of the alcohol. Learning more about alcoholics and possibly joining something like al anon (I think) could help you to understand more of what the booze is doing to him sounds like you and your partner have done nothing wrong in this situation. You and your partner have the right to not want that kind of abuse in your life. You should decide where the limits will be especially for you child.  Try not to be responsible for other peoples actions. He was hurting you so he was removed he is an adult and should be responsible for himself.  If it was someone else hurting you would you tolerate it? His forgiveness will most likely come with time but I think he should be the one asking for you forgiveness.

  10. Your baby is okay. You are better off without him and be glad he is out of the house. He could hurt you and after the baby is born, he could (not on purpose) hurt the baby as well. Your pardner did the right thing. Don't try to contact your Dad. If he sobers up, then talk to him but until then you'll be talking to a drunk and he really isn't responsible for what he is saying.

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