
When will my hambster have her babies!!! HELPHELPHELP?

by  |  earlier

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picture of my pregnant hamster:




  1. Well it takes 16-24 days for a litter to be born so subtract how many days she has been pregnate and you can find out! Look at this site for more details,

  2. Umm, there's really no way to tell that I know of from that picture. Do you know when she was with the male? Syrian gestation is about 16 days so you can figure from that. Otherwise just make sure shes alone in a clean cage with some pieces of toliet paper for nesting, food & water, & leave it to mom. ^_^  If you have anymore questions though, feel free to email.

  3. wow. she looks like shes getting pretty big.  id say in about a week or less.  be ready! and hav fun!! their a great joy to have!

  4. awww... hopefully soon she looks like shes gonna explode anyday!

  5. 16-25 days

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