
When will my hen start laying eggs?

by  |  earlier

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I supposably got 2 hens since there were no roosters in the bunch, but I got a hen and a rooster somehow(: anyways, there about 4 months old, and I'm a first time chicken owner, so i was wondering how old she'll be when she starts laying eggs? And also, how would i be able to tell if there were chicks inside of them? thanks!




  1. It depends really on the chicken. I had some Silver Lace Wyandottes (I think I spell correct). They did not start laying until about 12 months or more. But, once they started it was an egg everyday. Maybe one time a year one not lay.

    Also, heat and cold can affect laying.

    But, some will lay sooner.

    When the Hen start sitting is when the eggs usually get chicks inside. You will know as she just sit on the nest all the time. Usually this around spring time. I not remember but I think it about 28 days to hatch. I not had chickens in a long time now.

    In the dark hold a light behind the egg and sometimes you see the chick moving inside.

  2. If your hen is four months old, she should start laying soon. If you collect the eggs soon after they are laid, you don't have to worry about whether they've been fertilized or not. You can eat them fertilized if you get them right away. If you want to have chicks, then let her sit on the eggs and after a few days take one and hold it up to the light. You should be able to tell if it has a chick inside. It'll take about a month for them to hatch.

  3. She will start to lay at 18-20 wks, so anytime.

    You can candle the eggs to see if a chick is developing but this will only happen if your hen goes broody and tries to 'set' on them. Gather your eggs daily and refridgerate them and you will have no issues with any chicks forming, fertilized or not.

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