
When will my insurance kick in?

by  |  earlier

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Basically, I've just insured my motorbike as of 3rd of july 18:45, And I set it to kick in at 22:01 But even TODAY, I cant tax it, Cause according to ASKMID, The insurance database, my vehicle isnt insured. How long will it take for the insurance to kick in as I need to tax it ASAP




  1. the askmid site updates every 24 hours[when there notified]...if its not on tomorrow ring your brokers to conferm...

  2. hi, i work for an insurance broker. i can tell you that you will be better off ringing the company you took the insurance out with and asking them to send you a covernote to go to the post office. now i deal with the claims, and havent done mid work for a while, but from memory, im sure the insurers have either 7 or 14 days before they can get into trouble for the vehicles not being noted on the mid. the other option you have other than getting them to issue a covernote, is to ring them up and get someone there to add it to the mid whilst you are on the phone. it only takes seconds.

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