
When will my.......?

by Guest58302  |  earlier

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......... baby start to crawl? heis up on his arms and can lift his belly off the floor. the can alsodrag himself accross the floor and in circles onm his front. he is six months old. any idea how close he is to crawling? also what can i do to encourage him?





  1. Put him on his belly nd wiggle a toy or hid dummy in front of him. this worked with my brother. it encouraged him becoz he wanted it so bad.

    x x

  2. every child is different but normally aroung 7 to 8 months they start but some can start earlier and others later.

  3. my daughter was about 8 months so will be any day now. best to put baby in play pen or cot with toys when your busy. my daughter loved her baby walker too. try encouraging him from the other side of the room with maybe bottle of milk or something.

  4. not much you can do to encourage them, say good job! when he goes up on his arms and legs.. babies develop at their own pace, no worries, it's not a race.

  5. Crawling isn't a developmental milestone.  I spend a few anxious months as my little one sat on her butt  while her peers started crawling round like lunatics.  Then one day she just got up and walked - I think she was more shocked than I was!  She crawled a few times after she'd learned to walk but she was never that interested in it.
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